Q: What do you think the role of an actor is in making the world a better place? You seem very concerned with politics, division, sustainability, environmentalism.
A: I don't know how you live in this world and not think about that, unless you're just drunk all the time or something, or trying to like, muscle your way through and not pay attention. But if you're paying attention to what's going on, everyone of every political stripe is concerned about sustainability right now. I think it's in the water.
Q: But what's the role of the actor?
A: Ultimately the role of the actor to me is just to be a vessel for emotion. It's just to take on things and then people watch me do it and then they feel the things that I'm feeling. Anything beyond that — I'm not — I am a personally political person, and I do have very strongly held beliefs myself. But I don't let that affect my characters. My beliefs are my own personal thing and I don't think I should have any more of a voice than your average citizen, and I don't think I should have any less of a voice. I should be entitled to my vote.
Q: So you might not like it when people say, why does it matter what an actor —
A: Exactly. I think that's a way to just keep people down, like, "Keep your mouth shut and just entertain us". Well, look, pal. I'm an American citizen and I vote and I have an opinion about this stuff, too. But that said, I do try to keep my work objective enough so that it doesn't matter what political party you're affiliated with.
Q: Your characters don't turn to camera and go, "Vote for whoever in 2020".
A: No, they don't.