Fiery veggie pop punk
has launched a scathing attack on rapper
Kanye West
after he made supportive comments about wearing fur clothing.
Singer Pink, right, and her husband Carey Hart. Photo / AP
Fiery veggie pop punk
has launched a scathing attack on rapper
Kanye West
after he made supportive comments about wearing fur clothing.
The songstress, real name
Alecia Moore
, 29, a noted animal-rights advocate, denounced West after he praised the use of fur during a conversation with fellow animal lover
Paul McCartney
at a fashion show.
Pink recalled the incident at
Stella McCartney
's Paris fashion show, at which she and Kanye were both guests, along with the former Beatle and
Dan Mathews
, vice president of animal rights group People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
While deep in conversation with West he started complaining about the lack of fur in the show, Pink told Australian
Waste of skin...
She fumed: "
Kanye West is the person p***ing me off right now
"I was at Stella McCartney's Paris fashion show with the vice president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Paul McCartney and Kanye West.
The entire time Kanye is going, 'They need more fur in this show'. He just wouldn't shut up about how he loved fur. I mean, he's saying this to me, the PETA guy and Paul McCartney!
I was just so grossed out by him. I'm like, 'You're an idiot!
There are so many people who I think are a waste of skin and he's up there. I should wear him
"Go on, donate yourself Kanye. People can wear your fur."
Ooh, ouch. While we openly admit we're not the biggest West fans (actually, if he was performing in our back yard, we'd close the blinds), that's a bit harsh, Pink. And the whole wearing his skin thing? Creepy. How very
Silence of The Lambs
of you. "Pft pft pft pft pft pft..."
Note to West: Before you head off in a hissy huff to type those uppercase word babies on your trusted laptop, take note...trumpeting about your love of fur when you're in the company of staunch animal-rights advocates at a fashion show is probably not the best course of action. Just look at the result. They're ready to skin you alive, man.
Pink admits she has a reputation as a "crazy, wild, take-no-s***-female", but says she has a softer side too.
"Really, I'm just a girly girl too. I like running on the beach and gardening. I like baking and picking flowers." But she's clearly still an angry android and doesn't suffer fools gladly.
The singer - who recently rekindled her romance with husband
Carey Hart
- reveals she was once on the verge of suicide when a yacht captain got under her skin.
"I once chartered a yacht through the Mediterranean. But in the end I tried to jump off the boat and kill myself because I wasn't getting along with the captain.
"The idea was we'd go to port every night so we wouldn't be rocking like The Perfect Storm, but he had other ideas.
"We were out in the ocean riding the waves. I got sick and couldn't take it.
"I got my favourite dress in one hand, a bottle of wine in the other and I was ready to jump in the ocean and die.
"Luckily Carey talked me down."
How lucky for all of us.
Missed a bit
Guess who forgot to fake-tan her trotters? Who else but
Freak or unique?
Ever wanted to lick scuplted
James Bond
Daniel Craig
's torso? Well now you can.
Answering the calls of flesh-hungry women everywhere, ice cream company Del Monte has
transformed the pouty one into an icy treat
, after he was voted Britain's Coolest Smoothie in a poll of over 1,000 women.
The aptly-titled purple 'licence to chill' limited edition sweet went into production after the poll revealed Craig was the male celebrity women would "most like to lick" at the end of a stick. Ooh, er.
Sadly, the Craig-shaped lollies are only being sold in the UK. Sorry ladies.
Quote of the day
"I'm as good as
Meg Ryan
Julia Roberts,
but Hollywood people are scared of me and think I'm uncontrollable." Erstwhile supermodel
Janice Dickinson
on her acting
We needed this
These literal videos just get better and better.
The gayest man on earth would call this over the top!
Surprise, surprise
Michael Jackson
may be dragging his tired carcass on stage for a series of comeback gigs in the UK next month, but he probably won't be
R&B star
says the
Beat It
hit-maker will instead rely on pre-recorded backing tracks.
He says, "Michael singing I'm not so sure about. He will perform but not sing."
Well forget that for a game of soldiers.
But don't pack a sad if you've already snapped up a ticket to see
in concert, Akon says it'll still be a thrilling experience.
He said: "It's going to be amazing; I can definitely tell you that."
So controversial
Flamboyant pop diva
Lady Gaga
's sizzling video for new single
has leaked online.
The sensational seven minute promo, directed by
Jonas Akerlund
(he's directed vids for the likes of
in the past), features the mistress of spin being murdered, involved in a passionate clinch with a trio of brothers (although they could easily pass as ladies, no doubt a nod to her recent
) and more raunch and scandal than you can shake a politician at.
Of the said vid, the Lady herself said: "It’s about everyone’s obsession with that idea of wooing the paparazzi and wanting fame.
“It’s not to be taken completely seriously. It’s also about wanting a guy to love you and the struggle of whether you can have success or love, or both."
Warning: Semi-NSFW
Blogger Bites Back
Pictured: Pink and, inset, Kanye West. Photos / AP, Getty Images
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Authortities previously revealed the pair tested negative for carbon monoxide.