Homeland (8.30pm TV3)
If you're still watching, you'll have come to the conclusion that belief has not just been suspended, it's been packed into a rocket and shot into deep space. But every moment the show causes us to cry out obscenities and bang our fists on the cat, another moment comes along immediately that has us hooked again. The stakes are now ridiculously high, and last weeks death of the Vice President was a sensational turn. But I'm coming to the conclusion that Brody must be imprisoned or even die by the end of the series, which is just a few weeks away. I'm also hoping that Carey becomes obsessed with other types of music, even acid-jazz would be a nice change.
Obsessive Compulsive Hoarder (9.30pm TV1)
It's one of life's mysteries but for some reason shows about mad people who cant stop hoarding shit are incredibly watchable. Perhaps it's because we all have the capacity to become one. I reckon most of us have a desire to un-clutter our homes, don't we? I could easily fill a skip if one were delivered tomorrow. Mind you there's always the memory of those things you threw out thinking you'd never need it again, like that Starksy and Hutch cardigan ...