They said it wouldn't last, and it didn't: The whirlwind shomance that was celebrity socialite
Paris Hilton
and TV star
Doug Reinhardt
is officially over.
he whirlwind shomance that was celebrity socialite Paris Hilton and TV star Doug Reinhardt is officially over. Photo / AP
They said it wouldn't last, and it didn't: The whirlwind shomance that was celebrity socialite
Paris Hilton
and TV star
Doug Reinhardt
is officially over.
The heirhead celebutante and her former
The Hills
star have pulled the plug on their six-month fling, according to
Lock up your sons
In response to the inquiry on whether Paris Hilton has split up with Doug Reinhardt, yes, this is true they are no longer together. They remain friends and ask that you please respect their privacy
," Hilton's rep told
So Hilton's back on the market after nearly six months of dating a man who she, only a few weeks ago, gushed that he made her "
so happy
" and glow on the inside. Put it this way, she was practically naming his love child.
"I am so happy with Doug right now," she said. "He is my real best friend. He is amazing, smart, sexy and fun too. I'm so happy."
She also declared how she was keen to marry Reinhardt. "He's going to be my husband," she said.
But, alas, their hearts weren't destined to beat as one, and it's all over faster than a showbiz minute.
Snitches speculate that some serious drama must have gone down for the pair to call it quits. Initial conjecture nods to Hilton being the dumper, and poor "devastated" Reinhardt being left to lick his wounds.
Gossip queen
Perez Hilton
claims that insiders have revealed to him "exclusively" *cough* that on Tuesday night a "distraught Doug showed up at Paris' house after getting into a fight, only to be turned away."
"Paris lives in a gated community and the guards were told not to let him in," a snitch tells Perez. "Doug refused to leave, though. The authorities had to be called!"
But while Hilton may be crying into her cauldron, friends and family are no doubt doing the Highland Fling upon hearing the break-up news. It's been widely reported that those closest to her had warned Hilton that Reinhardt was only with her to pump up his profile, and that he cared more for the cameras than her.
"Paris hopes they can have a clean split and he will be gentlemanly about it," the snitch adds.
Hilton on her conquests:
On Reinhardt
"He makes me feel like I've never felt before. Everything he does is romantic. He's amazing and we're really happy. He's beautiful, he's smart, he's well-educated and he treats me like a princess. We're just very much alike."
On Benji Madden:
"I've never felt so happy and in love, he's such an amazing guy and life has never been better."
We sense a theme developing here
On Jason Shaw:
"He's amazing. We are very close and he lives next to me. We were very young when we were engaged. But maybe we'll see what happens. "I don't know (if we'll get back together), maybe. I don't know yet. I love him. I could see myself being with someone like Jason forever. He doesn't care about money. He loved me. Who knows what'll happen."
Hilton's obviously got a whole lotta lovin' to give, but she's constantly looking for love in all the wrong places. Who knows, maybe Hilton's track record of dating Mr. Manthrax will one day be broken and she'll learn to spot the difference between a love boat and a titanic.
But as
once observed, "Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they are supposed to run wild, until they find someone, just as wild to run with."
Yeah, right!
E! reports that Reinhardt may have been dumped via Hilton's publicist. When the website contacted the fella for comment, he said: "No, that's not true. Everything is OK between us."
A Slave 4 U
And as one door slams shut on a flat lined romance, another bursts wide open.
Step forward pop princess
Britney Spears
and her talent agent
Jason Trawick
Rumours have been rife for months that Britney "she's got your crazy" Spears has secretly been dating William Morris agent Trawick, and now snitches reveal that the pair are about to "go public" with their union.
Brit Brit's people had previously given the romance rumours the kiss of death, and they've yet to comment on the latest rumbles.
"They are totally and definitely dating," a snitch tells
Daddy approves
Furthermore, even Spears' dad
approves of her choice of bloke and thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread.
"Her dad loves him. He's the best thing that happened to her."
"They're very sweet together," the snitch says, adding that Spears "always had a crush" on Trawick - a childhood pal of the singer's brother
"He makes Britney really happy, and he's great with the boys."
Fuelling talk of the love interest, the
quotes a Spears source as saying: "This is all about Britney finally growing up ... recognizing she needs a mature guy in her life."
Spears reportedly fell for Trawick after he helped put her career back on track.
"Britney feels this is the first time a guy truly is interested in her for her, not just her money - even though he is an agent! - since Jason was already a success on his own. That's unlike every other guy who has been in Britney's life personally before, with the obvious exception of Justin [Timberlake]," a snitch said.
"After Kevin [Federline] and [Sam] Lutfi ... Jason is certainly a huge improvement."
They're not wrong there. Let's hope Trawick isn't a trainwreck.
Sticking to Brit Brit. Several of her disgruntled fans have contacted us to express their outrage over their idol's apparent New Zealand snub. Despite expressing her glee over
bringing her Circus act to Australia in November
, she currently has no plans to bring her troupe to New Zealand.
Spears' Kiwi fans are not happy campers. They've created a slice of cyberspace dedicated to petitioning the singer to consider hopping over the proverbial ditch to entertain the massess with her miming.
had a measly 117 signatures on last inspection. You'll have to shout louder than that, guys.
Blogger's briefs
Hugh Grant
: If he's not
at shutterbugs, he's purportedly kicking a lens lizard in the groin.
What's his beef?
split. Mr. Narcissist has confirmed he has ended his romance with music video star
Amber Rose
. Details
If this doesn't give you nightmares, nothing will. Disgraced music producer
. Ick!
Wacko's wonky ear. Looks like
Michael Jackson
's penchant for going under the knife has affected more than just his hooter. He's now got
Hankies at the ready, boys ands girls,
Robbie Williams
will not be joining his band of brothers for a
No quickie.
Peter Andre
has trashed reports his divorce from estranged wife
will be through in a matter of weeks. "There are rumours that Kate and I are getting a quickie divorce and will all be over in six weeks. That's news to me. I didn't even know you could get divorced that quickly!"
Stupid stunt.
Peaches Geldof'
s marriage was a publicity stunt, claims her ex. Look surprised when you read all about it
Muted Mel. Don't expect to find financial details of
Mel Gibson
's divorce smeared all over the tabloids - both he and his ex
have agreed to
about their finances.
Grovelling Gordon
Pottymouth celebrity chef
Gordon Ramsay
this week over some sexist, homophobic slurs made towards Aussie journo
Tracy Grimshaw
has been captivating.
After branding Grimshaw a "pig", he's now seen the error of his gobby ways and issued a humble apology. But only after, if you believe the hype, his mother rang him up and
Blogger Bites Back
Pictured: Paris Hilton and ex Doug Reinhardt. Inset, Britney Spears. Photos / AP
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Ayers was known for his songs Everybody Loves the Sunshine and Running Away.