And while Matilda herself is recovering well from the birth, she admitted with a touch of humour that the family dog Buster is yet to recover from witnessing his first home birth and "probably now needs therapy".
Proud dad and former Bachelor Art Green also took to Instagram to share the happy news as well as a sweet photo of his wife and new daughter.
"Our hearts are pretty full right now. On Sunday night we welcomed our daughter Autumn into the world. Born safe and happy at home. If she grows up to be half as strong and loving as her mum I will be a very proud dad," he wrote in loving tribute to Matilda.
The reality stars first shared the news that they were expecting in December 2020.
"We are over the bloody MOON to let everyone know that we'll be welcoming another pēpi in to our family next June," Matilda wrote on Instagram at the time.
"A few eagle eyed people have already figured it out A hard secret to keep that's for sure! We are so grateful and SO excited! Can't believe our little Milo is going to be a big brother..."
The couple welcomed their first child, Milo, in September 2019.
The Greens met on the first season of New Zealand's edition of The Bachelor in 2015, have been together ever since.
Earlier this year they bought their first home together in Warkworth and run several businesses.
They got married on Waiheke Island in a small ceremony where Matilda also took the opportunity to announce her pregnancy to family and friends.