Hollywood actor Will Smith has spoken about the Oscar controversy, saying it is not a racial issue but rather a reflection of a much broader problem in the United States.
The 47-year-old star explained his decision not to attend this year's ceremony as the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has faced criticism and calls for a boycott over its all-white line-up of acting nominees.
He was speaking following a screening of his movie Concussion held at London's Ham Yard Hotel, which was hosted by Good Morning Britain's Susanna Reid and saw former rugby union player Brian Moore also join the discussion.
"First and foremost it's not us and them, I'm a member of the Academy, so it's we, so to me there's a problem that we as a community, a family, have to solve together," he said.
"Secondarily it's not a racial issue, to me this is not a civil rights issue, this isn't a black and white issue, the beauty of America is in our diversity that is what the country has always been founded and most successful is when everyone comes in and adds their voice and their ingenuity and initiative."