Deciding to get a tattoo while inebriated often ends in tears.
But Stephanie Seyb has absolutely no regrets. The 25-year-old and a friend had "#KP4Ed" tattooed on their bodies in a bid to raise awareness of their friend, singer Kylie Price, who wants to be the warm-up act for Ed Sheeran's concert at Dunedin's Forsyth Barr Stadium next year.

"A couple of Saturdays ago, we were having a few beers and we decided it would be a really good idea," said Seyb. "You only live once. We really want Kylie to be the person who sings before Ed Sheeran ... Hopefully this will get his attention."
Price thought the idea was funny until she saw her friends getting the painful procedure. "It's very cool to know that I've got such ridiculous support," she said.