Bachelorette Nicole Hunwick left The Bachelor NZ in last night's episode.
Bachelorette Nicole Hunwick left The Bachelor NZ in last night's episode.
The latest star to leave hit drama The Bachelor has revealed she left because "there was no chemistry" between her and Bachelor Jordan Mauger.
Last night's episode took a shock twist when 24-year-old veterinarian Nicole Hunwick announced she would be leaving the show.
Hunwick explained in an exclusive interview with the Herald her decision had been piloted by a personal situation at home and a lack of love for the Bachelor.
"Basically the night before I had made the decision that I only saw Jordan as a friend and I didn't really see any future with him, there was no chemistry between us and I decided that at the next cocktail party I was going to tell him that I was leaving. Also there was something else going on and I needed to go back home for something and that was the reason to leave.
"I explained to him that I only saw us as friends and he felt the same way so that made it a lot easier to leave," she said.
The 24-year-old would not reveal details about her personal circumstances at home saying instead it was "just private stuff".
"It was something I needed to do, it was just pulling at me so strongly and if I had had a huge connection with Jordan I probably would have stayed but, because there was no point staying, I was like I need to be back home right now and I have done everything I could do on the show."
Hunwick said she and Jordan had "got on super well" but had only ever had a friendship.
"There was no chemistry at all and it took me a while to make sure there was no chemistry because it is always at the back of your mind, what if I go on a single date and I change my mind about him. I knew on that zip lining date that there were no feelings at all and a single date wouldn't have changed how I felt.
"We had obviously just a friendship going on but we laughed a lot and had loads of fun together. On the group dates, particularly in Hawaii, we had such a blast. I think he is a fun guy and I wish him luck for whichever girl he chooses. I hope we stay friends."
This year's Bachelor, Jordan Mauger.
Hunwick revealed her tears when telling Jordan she would be leaving the show were not for him but for the women she would be leaving.
"All the girls were so supportive and that is why I got so emotional leaving them. You are sleeping with them, you are with them 24/7, you become best friends instantly and we were the only ones who understood what it was like to be on the show and to be in that situation."
Despite her decision to leave early, Hunwick said she had no regrets about going on the show.
"It was amazing, I never expected to go on the show and just fall in love with all those girls. They were just incredible people. We just literally laughed all day. It was incredible and I loved every second of it so I have no regrets about going on the show."