A sci-fi comedy about Nazis returning to Earth from the Moon has become a surprise hit.
If Darth Vader's helmet made him look like a Nazi from outer space as he led the Empire's stormtroopers, now he's got company. Finnish sci-fi film Iron Sky ponders what might happen if German Nazis had fled the Earth at the end of World War II to live on the moon and plot their return.
It was the hot ticket at this year's Berlin Film Festival and now the low-budget flick - which raised more than US$1 million ($1.2 million) of its US$8 million budget - through an internet appeal to potential fans.
Made by first-time director Timo Vuorensola, the only cast member with any sort of name recognition is German cult star Udo Kier, stalwart of vampire and Von Trier movies, who plays Wolfgang Kortzfleisch, the leader of the Moon Nazis. He and his fellow Nazis are discovered when the President of the US (New Zealand actress Stephanie Paul), a gym-loving mother modelled on Sarah Palin, is advised that sending astronauts back to the Moon will help to boost her chance of re-election.
Set in 2018 and shot in a slapdash style, Iron Sky uses the idea of Moon Nazis invading New York to create a burning satire on US politics and spin. At times, the acting and dialogue is clunky, but the special effects belie the tiny budget. This is schlock, over-the-top storytelling at its riotous and enjoyable best. Hilarious comparisons are made between the rhetoric of Nazi speeches and American presidential campaigns.