Granger Smith with his son River. Photo / via Instagram
Granger Smith with his son River. Photo / via Instagram
Weeks after the death of his 3-year-old son, US country music Granger Smith has posted an update about how his family is coping with the tragic drowning incident.
River Smith drowned in the pool at the family's home in Georgetown, Texas, earlier this month.
In a YouTube video titled Finding Light In Our Darkest Time, Granger Smith said he remembered thinking just before the accident: "Soak up this moment because it's not going to last.
Granger and Amber Smith on the video.
"Between 30 seconds and three minutes, we don't know, Amber and I are inside our pool gate doing CPR on our son."
Granger's wife Amber also spoke on the video about the outpouring of love from his fans on social media, trying not to break down while speaking to camera.
An emotional Granger said: "We had an incredible boy for three years and we feel good about that.
"God gave River to us for three years and that was his mission," he explained.
"I'm not going to play around in my mind that there's this fictitious timeline of River graduating from college or high school or playing football because I believe he was put on this earth for that exact amount of time," he said, continuing, "I don't think God takes anyone too soon. I believe he was put on this earth for that exact amount of time.
Amber and River. Photo / via Instagram
The Smith family home and swimming pool, right.
"Don't feel sorry for us because we feel very blessed that we had an incredible little boy for three years," Granger Smith said.
"We feel really good about that. And we feel really good about our other kids and their state of mind right now. We are going to live our best life and we're going to do it with you guys and we're going to share it with you guys."
Smith now plans to return to touring and will be taking Amber and their two children - Lincoln, 5, and London, 7, - with him.
"Music has always been my healing, the place I turned to," he said.
The singer went on to share that when his daughter asked him how long River lived, he realised it was, "Just over a thousand days."
"What if you were given a gift to live 1000 days on this earth and you could live those days barefoot, red hair flying back on your go cart, on your tractor, full speed ahead?" he asked.
"If you could do that with your family around you with no real cares in the world... that's a good 1000 days... that's a good way to live."
Smith also posted a message on Instagram, detailing his family's "journey" since his son died.
River Smith died in a drowning accident.
"We've been on quite the journey these past few weeks. I've been dark on social media, but I still have a full understanding of the responsibility placed upon me as a public figure," Smith wrote in a Wednesday post. "I believe I'm obligated on certain levels to include you guys in my current journey, as I've been involved either personally or musically in yours."
"In my house, we have united stronger and closer than we've ever been. We've cried. We've smiled. I've held my family tight," he continued. "I've found strength from God and used that in the face of adversity so that my wife and children can rely on me. I've guarded my heart and my mind during weak moments and graciously accepted all of the encouragement and empathy from so many."
He continued, "I can rest assured knowing that River's assignment on earth was always intended for 1116 days and not only did he live it to the fullest, but he lived it loved by so many, including a mother, father, sister and brother who held nothing back and have no regrets on how much he felt that love. We should all be so blessed to be able to live like Riv."