Fourteen years after Pixar released their greatest ever movie, the long-desired sequel finally arrives and is every bit as light on its feet as the beloved original, once again successfully melding dazzling action with emotionally reasonant storytelling.
Following a brief prologue, Incredibles 2 picks up right where the last movie left off, with the Underminer attacking the city and the super-powered Parr family (Mr Incredible, Elastigirl, teenage Violet and pre-pubescent Dash) jumping into action alongside Frozone to avert wide-scale disaster.
This eye-popping set piece once again shows returning director Brad Bird to be the absolute master of animated action scenes – there is a grace and wit to this film's action that you simply do not see anywhere else.
Then the plot-proper kicks in, and it primarily concerns Elastigirl/Helen (voiced by Holly Hunter) teaming up with a new character named Winston Deavor (voiced by Better Call Saul's Bob Odenkirk) to execute a covert campaign to make superheros legal once again.
This leaves Bob/Mr Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) running the household, and he quickly becomes overwhelmed by baby Jack-Jack's burgeoning powers, while also trying to help Violet and Dash with their own problems.