The Divergent Series is a film franchise based on a young adult novel series by author Veronica Roth. The confusion between my son, who has read Allegiant but not seen the film, and myself, who has seen the film but not read the book, revealed that a few small changes have been made in adapting the third and final Divergent novel to screen.
Fans will tell you it's not the first time the plot of The Divergent Series has been messed with. And there's a sense the biggest shocks may be yet to come as Allegiant follows the trend of splitting final books into two parts, with Ascendant scheduled for release in 2017.
It's a shame really, as Allegiant's conclusion, without the more-to-come cues, would have made a perfectly satisfying ending.
In Allegiant, Tris (Woodley), Four (James) and her group of renegade divergents Peter (Miles Teller), Christina (Zoe Kravitz) and Caleb (Ansel Elgort) finally make it over the wall that separates post-apocalyptic Chicago from the rest of the world.