Cast: James Rolleston, Lawrence Makoare, Te Kohe Tuhaka, Xavier Horan, George Henare, Rena Owen
Director: Toa Fraser
Rating: R16 (graphic violence)
Running time: 107 mins
Verdict: Mean as
The Dead Lands might start in a graveyard, and it sure creates quite a body count along the way. But among all that death it also feels more like the birth of something.
Yes it's a film entirely in te reo, something that hasn't been done on the local big screen since The Maori Merchant of Venice and before that, hardly ever.
But it's also a Maori martial arts movie, a showcase for the taiaha and patu fighting skills of mau rakau.
Judged as movie about pre-European inter-tribal conflict, it's a happily faux history lesson of unspecific geography and period (even though some of its English subtitles do suggest early Blackadder). But no one went to kung fu movies for insights into the workings of the Ming Dynasty.