Liam Neeson plays an alcoholic hitman in Run All Night.
Liam Neeson plays an alcoholic hitman in Run All Night.
Liam Neeson and Ed Harris are looking out the window of a suite on the 12th floor of Manhattan's Ritz-Carlton hotel. The view is a winter wonderland.
Before the veteran actors is a snow-covered Central Park, but today the sky is a vibrant blue, the sun is out and the brutal winter the city has suffered through the past three months has begun to thaw.
"I do eight miles in that park every day when I'm in New York," Neeson tells Harris.
"Yeah," Neeson says. "Raining, snow. I've got all the gear."
Neeson is 62, Harris is 64 and their schedules would leave most 20-year-olds exhausted.
Neeson has become Hollywood's most bankable action star with his Taken trilogy a US$1 billion ($1.3 billion) franchise and a regular stream of other hits in the genre released over the past three years.
The latest is Run All Night, an action thriller set in New York pitting Neeson as alcoholic hitman Jimmy Conlon and Harris as former mob boss Shawn Maguire.
Conlon and Maguire are lifelong friends. But, when Conlon's son, played by Swedish actor Joel Kinnaman, becomes entangled with Maguire's drug addict, wannabe gangster son (Boyd Holbrook), a code between families is broken and war is declared.
Not only was it the first time Neeson and Harris worked together, but it was the first time they met.
"It's amazing, you know," says Harris, needling Neeson about his blockbuster action star status at the age of 62.
"I just wish they were paying him better."
Harris, showing plenty of stamina, shot Run All Night at the same time he was performing eight times a week in the Broadway play The Jacksonian.
"He'd get a police escort to the theatre every night," Neeson, firing back at Harris, laughs.
There's plenty of action in Run All Night, but the highlights are the quiet scenes between Neeson and Harris.
When it's suggested watching the actors going head-to-head is like watching Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe in an epic Grand Slam final, the actors deflect the praise. "It wasn't a mano a mano-type thing," Neeson said. "Egos were left outside the door and it was 'Here I am, I'm a canvas, we have this lovely scene to do, let's breathe it and do it'."