Actor Jonah Hill and surfer Sarah Brady in 2021. Photo / Getty Images
Actor Jonah Hill and surfer Sarah Brady in 2021. Photo / Getty Images
Jonah Hill’s ex Sarah Brady has spoken out on social media alleging the actor was emotionally abusive during their year-long relationship.
In a series of Instagram stories, the surfer shared messages that appeared to be between the pair, claiming they were proof of 39-year-old Hill’s abuse.
The revelations began with a black-and-white photo posted to Instagram with the caption, “reviving a pic I took down by request of a misogynist narcissist.”
Brady later continued “This is a warning to all girls. If your partner is talking to you like this, make an exit plan. Call me if you need an ear,” Brady wrote in the post.
She shared text messages which she claimed to be from Hill, asking her to take down any surfing photos from her Instagram along with swimsuit images.
In another screenshot, Brady shared a text that appeared to be between the former couple in which rules were laid out for Hill’s right partner, including no friendships “with men”, not “to model”, never to “post pictures of yourself in a bathing suit” or “post sexual pictures”, among other conditions.
Brady, who made her romance with Hill public in August 2021, followed up the post by writing, “I too struggle with mental health but I do not use it to control [people] like he did to me.”
She concluded: “It’s been a year of healing and growth with the help of loved ones and doctors to get back to living my life without guilt, shame and self-judgment for things as small as surfing in a swimsuit rather than a more conservative wetsuit. And I’m sure there’s still much more healing from this abuse ahead of me.”
She then shared alleged direct exchanges between her and Hill, in which he appeared to send her several flirty comments reacting to her surfing photos, which appeared to be from a time when their relationship was blossoming.
Brady later shared another message for Hill, who is now a father of a daughter and in a new relationship. She wrote: “I hope my ex has a daughter. Maybe she’ll turn him into a real feminist because the fact that he calls himself a feminist now is laughable.”
One of the alleged messages from Hill to Brady. Photo / Instagram
Brady also wrote of Hill: “If I could have one wish for him it would be that he is surrounded by feminist men who can hold him accountable to grow in the ways he has expressed he wants to.
“I think fame can put people in an echo chamber of viewpoints, which can enable emotionally abusive behaviour.”
In her final post, she concluded that an “emotionally abusive partner doesn’t mean they’re a terrible person.
“At the same time, it doesn’t mean it’s OK.”
Brady, who split from Hill in 2022, remained relatively low-key about their relationship on social media, except for the occasional picture of the pair.
She remained silent after their breakup. Hill was eventually linked to Olivia Millar, sparking engagement rumours after the Daily Mail posted paparazzi photos that appeared to show a ring on her finger.
People magazine has asked Brady and Hill for comment.
How to get help for domestic abuse:
If you’re in danger now:
• Phone the police on 111 or ask neighbours or friends to ring for you.
• Run outside and head for where there are other people. Scream for help so your neighbours can hear you.
• Take the children with you. Don’t stop to get anything else.
• White Ribbon: Aiming to eliminate men’s violence towards women.
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