Yasmine is the granddaughter of Michael Jackson's father Joe. Photo / Getty Images
Yasmine is the granddaughter of Michael Jackson's father Joe. Photo / Getty Images
WARNING: Graphic images.
Michael Jackson's niece, Yasmine Jackson, has posted dramatic pictures on Instagram after an attack in which she was allegedly stabbed seven times by a woman using a racial slur.
The 25-year-old nurse shared pictures of her wounds on Instagram in a post saying "God. Please protect our Black queens. These are strange times right now and we need you more than ever" in light of the Black Lives Matter movement sweeping the US and around the world.
The May 30 attack occurred in Las Vegas and Yasmine shared images of her wounds online, saying "This woman chased me down and started stabbing me."
"She said it's because I was a n***** and that's all I could hear while I was being stabbed. I can't move my neck at all. I'm scared to be alone. I asked people to help me because she was stabbing me and nobody helped.
"Until someone did, actually a few people did & I am thankful for you. I pray to God that if you have any kind of hatred in your heart towards black people that you heal it. I didn't deserve this, nobody does. Oh & btw I'm still f****** proud to be black."
Las Vegas police said Angela Bonell, 22, was charged with a hate crime and attempted murder with a deadly weapon.
Video from the moment of the arrest shows jackson looking shocked and sitting on the ground.
Bonell can be seen in handcuffs and being led by police to a car. Neighbours told police they heard screaming and the alleged racial slurs.
"Bonell stated she was just out for a walk and does not own a knife," Las Vegas police said in her arrest report.
Witnesses told cops that Bonell had made noise complaints about Jackson, a nurse who was her upstairs neighbour, the Sun reports.
Jackson's mother is Joh'Vonnie, who was the love child of Cheryle Terrell and Michael Jackson's father, Joe.
She later started a GoFundMe page to raise cash "for justice" and has already beaten her US$15,000 target.
Jackson wrote that she was attacked by her neighbour who she had never seen before the incident.
"My friend and I were outside having a conversation when out of nowhere she ran down a couple flights of stairs then jumped down from the second floor and jumped over fence.
"She then started chasing us down the street.
"I was split up from my friend and while I was running I began having an asthma attack.
"I ran up to two guys who didn't help me. People were recording the incident but didn't help.
"This is a huge win but my battle isn't over yet. We will begin court soon. As I continue to recover mentally and physically from the attack, I also have to get my life back in order," she said.
"I would also like to take time to recognise other racially fuelled attacks in recent times & I specifically would like to donate to the Breonna Taylor Fund & Gianna Floyd Fund. I still can't believe that a racist hate fuelled attack happened to me & I can't believe that we are still dealing with racism today, but I am thankful to be alive to share my story and to spread awareness because Black lives do matter and racism needs to cease. Thank you guys".