Michael Jackson feared the fascination with him would stop if he didn't remain a mystery, according to his bodyguard. Photo / Getty Images
Michael Jackson feared the fascination with him would stop if he didn't remain a mystery, according to his bodyguard. Photo / Getty Images
Michael Jackson's bodyguard has claimed the late star wore masks and tape on his nose to "manipulate the media" and hit the headlines.
Matt Fiddes has been defending the singer, who died 2009, following the release of the explosive documentary Leaving Neverland, where Wade Robson and James Safechuck allege that Jackson molested them when they were young.
According to the bodyguard, the singer feared the media's fascination with him would stop if he didn't remain a mystery in the public eye, therefore he wore surgical masks and put tape on his nose to arouse suspicion.
"He knew how to manipulate the media. He knew exactly how to get the front pages. He used to have a meeting as soon as he got to a [city]," he told Metro.co.uk.
"90% of the time it worked, by putting a mask on his face, or sticky tape on his hands – or tape on his nose was a favourite one. He would say he wanted his life to be the greatest mystery on Earth.
"It's backfired on him now, though, that's the sad thing."
He also claimed that while Jackson was married to Lisa Marie Presley from 1994-1996 and later to Debbie Rowe from 1996-1999, he didn't want the public to know if he was gay or not as he wanted the media to stay fascinated with him.
He also claimed Jackson didn't want to upset his loyan fan base by shattering the mystical illusion he created.
Fiddes, who worked alongside Jackson for 10 years, also went on to say the pop star "never used to live with make-up on."
"I remember one time we were watching TV at the [St Pancras] Renaissance Hotel in London and he wanted to go to Uri Geller's house for a curry," he told Metro UK.
"He asked for the cars in an hour and he's off getting ready, getting his hair done and he comes out in the whole image, the mask and fedora, the whole works."
According to Fiddes, the public thought they knew what the singer was like, but "unless you knew him" you had no idea.
MJ's bodyguard says the pop star "never used to live with make-up on." Photo / Getty Images
He said that Jackson was a super intelligent man who couldn't just sit down and watch a movie, but he would have to analyse every scene.
At home, his bodyguard claims he was more about a "glass of wine, bottle of wine, he'd be swearing, he'd be a normal guy."
Fiddes recently shared his thoughts on the scandal surrounding the late star, saying "this whole paedophile thing is complete nonsense".
"The guy had girlfriends and had a legitimate marriage to Lisa Marie [Presley], that was the way he lived his life," he said.
"We were the people sneaking the girls into his room."
The bodyguard believes the star could never shake the suspicion around his behaviour and claims his health deteriorated as a result.
"It was clear after the verdict he was never going to be able to click his fingers and be back in Michael Jackson mode again," Fiddes told the Daily Star.
"He was like a walking deadman by the end. Eating and sleeping was a battle, he was just a complete mess.
"He lost so much weight. It took a big toll on him. But he was adamant he wanted to prove his innocence.
"Michael wanted to get all this rubbish behind him. He struggled, it was awful for him to hear all those things said about him."
Despite being cleared of all charges, Fiddes said Jackson was paranoid someone "was out to get him" and was terrified of being killed.
"He was terrified about being assassinated on stage, and was making silly suggestions about wearing a bulletproof vest while performing," the bodyguard said.
"We talked to him and said the public love you, you are going to have no problems, I am going to here for you with security and making sure you are looked after you."
He said if Jackson had reconnected with his father before his father's death he may still have been alive today.