Lethal Weapon
Mel Gibson
has won a court battle to have his infamous DUI arrest wiped from his record.
Gone. Vamoose. Like it never happened.
Lethal Weapon star Mel Gibson has won a court battle to have his infamous DUI arrest wiped from his record. Photo / Getty Images
Lethal Weapon
Mel Gibson
has won a court battle to have his infamous DUI arrest wiped from his record.
Gone. Vamoose. Like it never happened.
Gibson's almighty brain fart happened shortly after 2:36 AM on July 28 2006 when he was arrested after getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. The star was clocked by cops driving his wheels at more than 87 mph (140 kph) down the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu - with an open bottle of tequila in his hand.
A breath test at the time indicated Gibson's blood-alcohol level was 0.12 per cent. In California, the legal limit is 0.08 per cent.
'Without incident'
Initial reports claimed that Gibson's arrest had gone "without incident." But then celebrity news and gossip website TMZ got its mitts on a copy of the arrest report, and all hell broke loose. It was the media sh**storm of the century.
It emerged that Gibson had reportedly unleashed a foul-mouthed, sexist and anti-Semitic tirade on the arresting officer...who was Jewish.
"F***** Jews," Gibson was quoted as saying as he was cuffed by the officer, according to the report.
"The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," he added, before asking the officer, "Are you a Jew?"
The report, penned by Sheriff's Deputy James Mee, detailed how Gibson "bolted" it from custody, and how he had to chase the star back to his car to cuff him.
Read a snippet of the report
Gibson pleaded no contest to the DUI charge and was given three years probation, walloped with a $1,400 fine and ordered to attend Alcoholics Anonymous for 11 months.
The actor later issued a grovelling apology, expressing remorse for his foul-mouthed tirade.
"There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of anti-Semitic remark. I want to apologise specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested on a DUI charge," he said in a statement.
He added: "I am a public person, and when I say something, either articulated and thought out, or blurted out in a moment of insanity, my words carry weight in the public arena. As a result, I must assume personal responsibility for my words and apologise directly to those who have been hurt and offended by those words.
Read the full text of his apology
Like it never happened...
And now, according to the law at least, we can all pretend that the whole boozy mess never happened.
A Malibu judge has just signed an order scrubbing the arrest from the public record.
Expunged, but not forgotten
Judge Lawrence J. Mira removed the conviction after the star filed legal papers in September asking that the DUI be expunged from his record, citing that he'd completed the terms of his probation.
As part of his rehab, Gibson was also ordered to enrol in an alcohol abuse programme for three months and maintain a clean driving record.
"He does not appear to be on any sort of probation or facing any similar charges," Judge Mira said during the hearing. "The request is granted."
However, Gibson's conviction still holds should he ever apply for a gun licence or, saint's preserve us, should he ever take a bottle of tequila out for a spin again.
So what do we think. He's done the crime, done the time. Does that a clean record make?
No split
George Michael
has lashed out at rumours that he's been dumped by long-term lover of 13 years
Kenny Goss
, insisting that they're both still very much an item.
Earlier reports claimed Goss had walked out on Georgie after growing tired of his habitual run-ins with the law and promiscuous behaviour (now there's a juicy euphemism for you).
newspaper said Goss brought down the curtains on their relationship after the singer was arrested in public toilets on London's Hampstead Heath last year.
But a rep for Michael has trashed the reports, saying: "There is no truth in the matter at all. Kenny has been away in Dallas where he owns a gallery but is scheduled to return home this Friday. They are planning a lovely weekend together."
We're not so sure. The couple hasn't been snapped in public since February. Where there's smoke...
You don't have to wear that dress tonight...
And the award for the most LOL story of the day goes to
The Sun
newspaper. Truly, they've excelled themselves, guys.
The fable generator has found an inventive way to have a bit of a pop at 'glamour model'
s muscly new fella.
Word is that
Alex Reid
is (by night we presume) allegedly a cross-dresser called
*cynical eye-roll*
The cage fighter, who's been tending to Jordan's emotional needs throughout her acrimonious divorce from
Peter Andre
, reportedly confessed to the glamour star that he has worn girls' clothes in private since the age of sixteen.
Rather than recoil in shock, Jordan reportedly celebrated the revelation by rushing out to the shops and buying her fella a nice pair of heels and named her dressage horse Cross Dresser.
While she's at it, why not complete the look with a nice
"She was quite shocked when Alex told her. But she is totally OK with it," a 'source' said.
It's claimed Reid's alter-ego likes to slap on the make-up, deck out in wig and heels and lower his voice to sound more feminine. Hang on, sounds suspiciously like his other half to us.
How rock 'n' roll
Fall Out Boy
Pete Wentz
has pulled a
and declared the death of Emo by shaving his head on stage.
Wentz pulled the stunt during the band's New York Madison Square Garden gig earlier this week, announcing: "So you guys know
's Death of Auto-Tune? This is the death of the emo haircut."
He'll get back to us on the guy liner.
Blogger Bites Back
Pictured: Mel Gibson, and inset, Gibson's arrest mug shot.
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Ayers was known for his songs Everybody Loves the Sunshine and Running Away.