In less than two days since their wedding Nice Guy Tim assumes the liberty to tell his wife Katie what he thinks of her looks as he sits on the couch in emo ripped jeans not seen since 2006.
My dude.
For Katie, it’s been the honeymoon from hell. During the wedding, her husband quickly wiped off her kiss. By the afternoon, her husband told her he didn’t feel a spark. Over dinner, her husband told her his preference is a “petite, blonde, short girl”.
Shockingly - and definitely not in a scripted way - it turned out that Rhi and Jeff already know each other “well”.
And it’s the second couple on the show to have dated previously. Fans and producers hope like hell this does not mean a boring narrative for the season.
“Rhi used to see him,” one wedding guest whispered to another, who replied with the appropriate:
“Shut up.”
“They’ve slept together a few times,” one bloke squeaked.
Fast forward, Adrien and Awhina are having a romantic dinner on the beach on Denarau Island, Fiji.
Their chemistry is “palpable”, says the Mafs narrator. Until comes out the Honeymoon Box, containing questions which, according to expert John, “help expedite the process”.
What John meant is that it helps expedite the incoming train wreck and drama for bloody-thirsty fans.
The first question from the Honeymoon Box is related to Awhina’s son and feelings around family.
“How important is having a family to you?” it read.
Which compelled Adrien to say the worst thing he could.
“I don’t know if I could love my kids as much as your kid,” he declared as Awhina sat there with her mouth open, speechless.