“Did you really think I wasn’t going to come? Did you really think I was going to give him the last word?” an enraged Morena says, waltzing in late through the door to the latest Married At First Sight Australiacommitment ceremony.
In what played out like a scene from a bad romantic drama, the notoriously outspoken bride was ready and raring to give her husband Tony a grilling.
Morena didn't want to let Tony get the final say. Photo / Nine AU
Tony claims it was her overbearing personality that tipped him over the edge.
“You don’t even know who you’re with! He’s put a lid on me,” Morena accused.
“I never stopped you from doing anything,” Tony replies, but the damage is well and truly done.
“You’re a 53-year-old man, behave like one. Good riddance,” Morena yells storming off.
And just like that, she’s gone, and another couple bites the dust and leaves the experiment.
On a weirder note, Jacqui and Ryan are as happy as ever after Ryan stood up for his bride at last week’s dinner party.
Apparently, the “little things” like knowing what a data centre is has helped strengthen their relationship. Riveting stuff.
Adrian and Awhina have been fighting for most of the night already during a heated whisper match, with the groom warning his bride not to mention their disastrous family and friends' lunch.
“I just wanted his family and friends to like me, but they were very hostile,” the distressed bride says to producers.
Alternatively, Adrian says he is “not going to touch on the family day at all” in front of the experts because “these things should be kept private”.
Adrian and Awhina have decided to stay. Photo / Nine AU
Dave gives Adrian a dose of reality when Adrian chastises Awhina for naturally bringing the subject up.
“She’s hurting bro, can’t you see that.” It honestly felt like there was going to be a bust up before expert John Aiken had to intervene.
Despite the turbulence, both Adrian and Awhina write stay, with the other couples shaking their heads in dismay.
Veronica gets a grilling from the experts after her perceived lack of empathy towards her husbandEliot, and in a sudden turn apologises to him and vows to keep trying to strengthen their relationship.
“You have to empathise and understand that Eliot is going at a different pace,” Aiken says, alluding to the groom’s previous man-child behaviour.
When it was their turn on the couch, Lauren also revealed a “shocking” habit of Clint’s that was keeping them in the friendzone.
After once again saying he “genuinely hates himself” for what he did and was “so ashamed”, Paul is given a stern final warning as he breaks down into tears.
Carina, still believing her husband can redeem himself, vows to stay in the experiment and attempt to make things work.
As the voiceover told us at the start, we’re now over halfway through the experiment, and if we don’t see any more intruders it looks like three couples have seemingly already gone for good.
Will Adrian and Awhina be the next to go? Or will we have yet another Jacqui and Ryan fallout that ends in disaster?
Mitchell Hageman joined the Herald’s entertainment and lifestyle team in 2024 and has taken on the unofficial role of MAFS correspondent for this season. He previously worked as a multimedia journalist for Hawke’s Bay Today.