Best coffee in Auckland?
Rad in Mt Eden. You can't beat those Flight coffee beans.
Who does your hair?
The lovely Keryn at TVNZ. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her.
Best Sunday Brunch spot?
Selena Hawkins - Reporter and Producer on Breakfast. Photo / Supplied
Best coffee in Auckland?
Rad in Mt Eden. You can't beat those Flight coffee beans.
Who does your hair?
The lovely Keryn at TVNZ. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her.
Best Sunday Brunch spot?
L'Oeuf. A hidden gem. Away from the hustle and bustle of the inner city. The Norseman and The Nest are to die for.
Favourite bar or restaurant?
I'd have to say Mekong Baby. Can't go past Asian fusion. For cocktails, it'd be Bedford Soda. Have nearly worked my way through their whole menu of deliciousness.
Dream date night?
Simple. A picnic at the beach with a decent bottle of red.
Aucklander you would least like to be stuck in traffic with?
Sam Wallace. His singing is terrible. He sits next to me at work and sings the Bernina [sewing machine] jingle and replaces the word Bernina with Selena. Drives me nuts!
The star experienced psychosis five years ago, revealing it was a 'hard time' in her life.