The secret's out of the bag:
Lindsay Lohan
has publicly confirmed her relationship with
Samantha Ronson
Lindsay Lohan has confirmed her relationship with ladyfriend Samantha Ronson. Photo / AP
The secret's out of the bag:
Lindsay Lohan
has publicly confirmed her relationship with
Samantha Ronson
Mean Girls
actress has finally put an end to months of tongue-wagging, speculation and "no comment" denials. She's
This is the bit where we pretend to be shocked, folks. Best rehearse your faux "Ooh, we had no idea!" faces.
Back to the details. Lohan's lady, Ronson, dialled in to a L.A. radio show called
yesterday to chat with the DJ about
Travis Barker
's recent
Somehow the subject of Li-Lo came about, and Ronson trotted off to get her ladyfriend on the phone.
After some polite banter the DJ asked Lohan how long she and Ronson had been together.
"Now, you guys, you and Samantha have been going out for how long now? Like two years? One year? Five months? Two months?"
To which Lohan replied: "A long...a very long time."
"I hope you guys stay together, you're a very lovely looking couple," added the DJ.
Audio of Lohan's 'outing' below.
The action kicks in at around the 6min 55sec mark.
Congratulations to you both. Next!
American Idol
Clay Aiken
has just come out on the cover of
magazine. Yup, it's obviously gay day.
Blind bits
You guess the celebutards...
reality-TV judge
was absent from two of her top-rated shows because she had a
bad reaction to Botox
? Spies said the fashionista’s face 'swelled up like a cauliflower'."
famous socialite
was caught by a girlband member
doing heroin
? The pop singer couldn't believe her eyes and quickly scurried away to tell her pals."
tough guy actor
loves playing a hero. His successful movies are violent and loaded with explosive action. He’s always been a macho bruiser so romantic scenes are scarce and that’s fine with him. He dates pretty women when he’s in the US, but he prefers to make movies that film in Europe. That’s because he feels he has more privacy there. He can do what he wants without being observed and what he wants to do is go to gay bars and pick up men. His girlfriends back in the US wish he’d commit, but he’s far too interested in male companionship."
Fast gossip
Linkie pleasure, at your leisure...
Sneak Peek:
David Beckham
2009 Calendar:
Drew Barrymore
Kirsten Dunst
is working on a new album:
rocks as a NYC cop:
Mariah Carey
returning to big screen. Arghhhhhhhh!
Kirsten Dunst
is happy, happy, happy!
Tom Cruise
wears lifts:
Halle Berry
and baby
chill at the park:
Victoria Beckham
thinks her cut makes her look old:
Jude Law
Sienna Miller
to reunite:
sisters are scrapping:
Lindsay Lohan
Marie Claire
Hey, caption this!
LOL celebrities:
Britney Spears
‘ new promo pics for her upcoming single, ‘
gets picked up for a full season:
That's gross:
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The untitled film also stars Tom Cruise and Sandra Huller.