Unlike the Comedy Gala opening, Last Laughs showcases almost exclusively Kiwi talent in a show where the question on everyone's minds is the same: what the hell is happening?
This year's Billy T nominees dominated the first half of the show, each with less than 10 minutes to show New Zealand what they were all about.
Jono and Ben and Funny Girls star Laura Daniel was first off the block, with a period joke to end all period jokes. Let's just say it involved a lot of fake blood - so much so, someone had to come and wipe it all off the stage before the next set.
•Rose Matafeo on the highs and lows of stand-up comedy
James Malcolm, Alice Brine and Matt Stellingwerf all performed, with Stellingwerf becoming a standout for being the only one to ditch the usual sex jokes for a set based entirely around the merits (or lack thereof) of homeopathy.
And then David Correos happened.