It was only a matter of time. This I knew, though I'd harboured under disillusion for a time. As if brute denial could wish the wretched affair away. And while I'd somewhat accepted that the bell would soon tolleth for thee, when its ungodly chime bellowed out in a thick English accent I was not prepared. But then, in hindsight, you never are.
As the globe's icy puddle of caring spread from nobodies to celebrities and back again my disinterest morphed into detached bemusement then into over-it cynicism, before finally settling on wide-eyed dread as I watched humans I knew - nay - humans I respected - nay, nay, sorry, I was right the first time - humans I knew, succumb.
When it hit, it hit fast in a perverse slow motion that inched its way closer every 24 hours in ever decreasing circles and low bit rate video. All I could do to fight it was ignore as many of the clips as possible. But quickly there were too many. Each day new ones popped up, flooding my social media timelines and spreading from friends of friends friends to friends friends to friends to finally, inevitably, to myself.
Now, through no fault of my own bar being an extremely personable fellow who happens to know a bunch of dim-witted and easily led good hearted people, I find myself an extremely unwilling participant in the Ice Bucket Challenge.