Johnny Depp's multimillion-dollar trial against Amber Heard gets underway. Video / AP
Warning: Content may be distressing
Another explosive day in court has wrapped up amid the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial.
The actor is suing his ex-wife for defamation over a piece she wrote for the Washington Post calling herself a victim of domestic abuse, reports Fox News.
Here are some of the biggest bombshells from today's hearing.
During his testimony, Depp reflected on an incident that took place in 2016 after an explosive fight with Heard.
His security warned him against returning to their Los Angeles home and sent him a photo of the couple's bed.
"On my side of the bed was human faecal matter," he told the court. "I laughed. It was so outside, it was so bizarre and so grotesque that I could only laugh."
Heard blamed the incident on her dogs, but Depp said he had lived with those dogs for many years and "that did not come from a dog. It just didn't".
Depp said the fallout from Heard's opinion piece had instant consequences for him.
"I don't think it took Disney very long, maybe a couple of days, to announce that I had been removed from the Pirates of the Caribbean films franchise," he said. "I lost nothing less than everything."
But, he said, the real damage came from her initial accusations.
"I will live with that for the rest of my life because of the allegations ... It was such a big, high-profile case that I lost then no matter the outcome of this trial."
Heard's US$7m divorce settlement
Depp said he agreed to pay Heard a US$7 million ($10 million) divorce settlement in 2017.
When Heard announced she would donate the entire sum to two charities, Depp sent the payments directly to the named non-profits.
"Ms Heard was very, very angry that I had made those first payments, and she went into kind of a tirade about how I should be charged double the $7 million, I should be charged $14 million," he told the court.
Stars split the day Depp's mother died
Depp split with Heard the same day his mother Betty Sue Palmer died.
"I've made a decision and I think it's the best thing, I'm going to file for divorce," he said he told Heard over the phone.
He met her at their LA home for the last time the next day. Depp testified that she pretended he was hitting her while on the phone with a friend, though he was standing 6m away.
Depp answered, "Don't tell me what it feels like to be punched", to which she replied, "You are such a baby, grow the f*** up, Johnny."
Depp says Heard put out a cigarette in his face
He told jurors that after Heard allegedly threw a bottle at him which cut off the top of his finger, she stubbed out a cigarette on his face.
"Ms Heard had taken my cigarette from the ashtray and stomped it out in my face," he claimed.
Depp used what remained of his finger to write on the wall "in his own blood" while "in the midst of a nervous breakdown".
Depp's shocking drinking claim about Heard
Depp said Heard could "easily drink two bottles of wine per night" but that if he ever drank, she went "apoplectic".
"I was weak, I was a complete mess, I was an alcoholic, I was going to ruin everything," he told the court she said to him. "Your kids are not proud of you, they cannot stand what you are doing.
"In support of me not drinking, I thought that she might stop drinking – but she did not, she continued."
Heard 'threatened suicide' when Depp tried to leave
Depp said one of the reasons he stayed married to Heard for so long was that she would threaten suicide when he tried to leave.
"When I would leave sometimes, she would stop me at the elevator with the security guards, crying, screaming, 'I can't live without you! I'm going to die!'" he said.
Depp said another reason he stayed was his desire for the relationship not to fail.
It was Depp's second day on the stand.
How to get help
If you're in danger now: • Phone the police on 111 or ask neighbours or friends to ring for you. • Run outside and head for where there are other people. Scream for help so your neighbours can hear you. • Take the children with you. Don't stop to get anything else. • If you are being abused, remember it's not your fault. Violence is never okay.
Where to go for help or more information: • Women's Refuge: Crisis line - 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843 (available 24/7) • Shine: Helpline - 0508 744 633 (available 24/7) • It's Not Ok: Family violence information line - 0800 456 450 • Shakti:Specialist services for African, Asian and Middle Eastern women and children. Crisis line - 0800 742 584 (available 24/7) • Ministry of Justice: For information on family violence • Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga: National Network of Family Violence Services • White Ribbon: Aiming to eliminate men's violence towards women
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