The wrongful death lawsuit brought against Jim Carrey, pictured in November 2017, was dismissed in January. Photo / Getty
The wrongful death lawsuit brought against Jim Carrey, pictured in November 2017, was dismissed in January. Photo / Getty
A wrongful death lawsuit brought against Jim Carrey launched by the family of his ex-girlfriend Cathriona White has been dismissed in California.
Both White's husband, Mark Burton, and her mother, Brigid Sweetman, had sued Carrey, claiming he gave her sexually-transmitted diseases and provided the drugs she used when she took her own life in September 2015, aged 30.
But the 56-year-old actor's lawyer had claimed White forged medical records to make it appear that she had no STDs before meeting Carrey.
Cathriona White forged documents to support her claims that Carrey gave her STIs.
Following the dismissal of the lawsuit, a spokesperson for Carrey confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter the matters were dismissed on January 25, but had no comment to make beyond saying 'Jim is looking forward to moving on with his life now'.
Last year the Hollywood star claimed the Irish make-up artist had blackmailed him over claims he had given her herpes. He said that he paid her an undisclosed sum in 2013.
The actor's attorney Raymond Boucher claimed thatWhite, a makeup artist from Ireland, had edited the patient information on a friend's 2011 STD test to make it seem the records were her own.
White, who dated the actor on and off for three years, used the friend's medical records and changed the name and date on them.
Texts between White and the unnamed friend show that were submitted as evidence by Carrey's lawyers show that she asked the friend to obtain her medical records from Planned Parenthood.
Cathriona White was a make-up artist who met Carrey on a film set.
One text sent from White reportedly reads: "I need to see the layout… I will need to work on it before I give it to him."
Last year Carrey claimed that between March and August 2013, Cathriona threatened to "go to the press" with false claims that he had given her STDs unless he paid her "millions of dollars".
He also revealed that he had already paid her an undisclosed sum of money in 2013 to settle her STD claims.
In a note written by White on her iPad in that year, only discovered after her death two years later, she blamed the actor for exposing her to a debauched life of sex and drugs and scorned him for "giving her" herpes.
Carrey and Cathriona White had an on-again, off-again relationship from 2012 to 2015. White was found dead in September 2015.
A text exchange between the couple in January and February of 2013, during their short reconciliation, shows that White had been concerned about bumps on her genitals.
She wrote to the actor that she was worried that it could be symptoms of an STD. Carrey appears to have attempted to defuse the situation, replying that: "Aggravated folacles [sic] or bumps are normal when you shave or have vigorous sex."
A few weeks later, she brought it up again with Carrey, writing that she had found bumps again and wanted to "get checked".
During the subsequent text exchange, Carrey writes "It could be from someone before me".
Jim Carrey attended Cathriona White's funeral on October 10, 2015 in Cappawhite, Tipperary, Ireland. Photo / Getty
Sweetman and Burton had also claimed in their now dismissed lawsuit that Carrey had illegally obtained and provided White with the drugs she used to take her own life.
White's autopsy, which was released in July 2016, showed that she died from a fatal overdose of prescription pills including Ambien, Popranolol and Percocet.
The lawsuit claimed that bottles of these had been found next to her body, prescribed to an "Arthur King", an alias Sweetman and Burton allege had been used by Carrey.
Michael Avenatti, the attorney acting for her mother Brigid Sweetman and her husband Mark Burton issued a brief statement on their behalf.
It read: "We have no further comment at this time".
In October last year, Carrey filed a countersuit against his accusers, insisting they were trying to extort him.
A court document details how White allegedly used the STD test results of her friend, named Jane Doe here, to fake her own results. Image / Superior Court of Los Angeles
In a statement at the time, Carrey said: "Unfortunately, I made the mistake three years ago of giving in and settling false claims made against me by Mr. Marchino [Miss White's lawyer], on behalf of Cat, as mounting a public defense is a very costly and painful process.
"At the time I felt Cat was being exploited by Marchino.
"Since this new case was filed, I have discovered the depth of deception behind those false claims, the kind of deception decent people fall for, because to us, such behaviour is unimaginable.
"I will not give in a second time to these same fraudulent charges initiated by Cat's husband in name but not substance Mark Burton, and her estranged mother.
"Nor am I responsible for what these desperate characters have inadvertently unearthed about the woman I adored.
"I was clearly blinded by my affection.
"Regardless, I will hold a place of empathy, and forgiveness for Cat and continue to focus on the many blessings in this life (sic)."
Cathriona White was from Cappawhite, a small town in Co. Tipperary, Ireland.
She had two siblings, James and Lisa, and three half-siblings, and is said to have had a close relationship with her stepmother Brid, while her relationship with her biological mother - Sweetman who sued Carrey - was strained.
White married Mark Burton two days after a break up with Carrey. Burton and White's estranged mother sued Carrey over White's death.
She qualified as a beauty therapist at the Limerick College of Further Education and moved to Los Angeles in 2009, where she ended up working as a stylist and make-up artist.
Timeline of romance
2012: Carrey and White meet on a film set as she works as a make-up artist
October 2012: Carrey claims he hires a lawyer to draft a prenuptial agreement and plans to marry her