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He's an odd chap this Jamie Lidell - he's that rare breed of electronica producer who can sing too. He brought that combination to the fore on his last album
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He's an odd chap this Jamie Lidell - he's that rare breed of electronica producer who can sing too. He brought that combination to the fore on his last album
and this time round it's even more about sweet white-boy soul music played on real instruments and his Jamiroquai-meets-Terence Trent D'Arby voice. While that latter comparison might be off-putting, fear not. Lidell has a crisp and clean style, especially on chirpy opener
Another Day
, with its cheeping birds and feel-good clap-along, and the slinky
Green Light
Although sometimes, like on the raucous
Out of My System
, it comes across tinny and thin rather than deep and funky. And there is no excuse at all for the neo-soul gabba thrash chorus of
A Little Bit Of Feel Good
, where his inner Stevie Wonder comes out, and fun-loving hoot
Where D'You Go?
his voice has a more spirited and lively tone, and things get a little more fractured, and almost Timberlakesque on
Figured Me Out
. It's these sorts of diversions, and slow swooning moments - like the beautiful
All I Wanna Do
- that you want more of because thoughts of Terence and Jamiroquai tend to linger and nag in your ear.
Scott Kara
Review: 'A drama so quietly devastating that I won’t forget it for a very long time.'