Jamie Foxx
has apologised to
Miley Cyrus
after he launched a crude attack on the teen queen on his satellite radio show over the weekend.
Jamie Foxx has apologised to Miley Cyrus after slating her on his satellite radio show. Photo / AP
Jamie Foxx
has apologised to
Miley Cyrus
after he launched a crude attack on the teen queen on his satellite radio show over the weekend.
Foxx landed himself in hot water after he made some rude remarks about the Disney darling on his Sirius radio show,
The Foxxhole
, telling Cyrus she should make a sex tape, become a lesbian and do some heroin.
The actor-cum-rapper's off-colour comments were sparked by a listener who called in to drag up the old chestnut about Cyrus threatening to "ruin"
after they declined her request to meet them at the Grammys.
"Did you all hear what that b**** said?" The caller on his radio show asked, referring to Cyrus.
"She had the nerve to put down Radiohead when they didn't want to meet her before the Grammys."
here to listen to a snippet of Foxx's radio rant (censored)
Foxx then went off on a tirade (no doubt with tongue firmly in cheek, but still...) and posed the question, "Who is Miley Cyrus? The one with all the gums? Let me get an order of mouth, light on the teeth, heavy on the gums."
He continued, "She's going to ruin Radiohead's career? The same Radiohead that gets paid a million dollars just to sample their song? That Radiohead?"
One of the show's co-hosts then asked: "Is she that Hannah Montana? B****, please."
Sex tape
The Oscar-winner then advised the 16-year-old should "get like
Britney Spears
and do some heroin. Do like
Lindsay Lohan
and start seeing a lesbian and get some crack in your pipe," Foxx declared.
"That's what I want."
Some of his other comments are just way too blue for this blog. Let's put it this way, one of them told Cyrus to get a certain sexually transmitted disease. Exactly.
'I'm sorry...'
And here comes the apology...
After the inevitable backlash resulting from his naughty rant, Foxx has issued a public apology to Cyrus.
During an appearance on
The Tonight Show
Jay Leno
yesterday, Foxx formally apologised for his remarks.
"Did you say something inappropriate?" Jay Leno asked the star about his controversial remarks.
"Yeah," Foxx said, before taking a deep breath and issuing an apology.
I so apologise, and this is sincere. I am a comedian, and you guys know that whatever I say, I don't mean any of it. And sometimes, as comedians, as we do, we go a little bit too far
"I have a radio show.... We're really the black
Howard Stern
. We go at everybody. There was a situation with Miley Cyrus, and I just want to say, I apologise for what I said. I didn't mean it maliciously. You know I'm a comedian. You know my heart.
Looking directly into the camera, Foxx added, "
Miley, I apologise, so I'll call you. I got a daughter too, so I completely understand
No comment as yet from Cyrus' reps.
Video: Jamie Foxx says 'sorry'
So Foxx lost out in the court of public opinion.
We guess the biggest lesson he's learned is that you can't publicly trash other celebs willy-nilly just for the hell of it - especially not a teen poster girl like Cyrus whose legion of admirers worship her Disney hooves.
What do you think of Foxx's remarks? Justified within the realms of comedic highjinks, or just plain potty-mouthed slurring?
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Pictured: Jamie Foxx and, inset, Miley Cyrus. Photos / AP
The star experienced psychosis five years ago, revealing it was a 'hard time' in her life.