Jason John Whitehead
Why should we see your show?
Because otherwise, it'll just be me yelling in an empty room. Still kinda funny, but when a tree falls in the forest ya know ...
Tell us a joke in 25 words or less.
Why do women watch porn films until the end? Because they think they'll get married.
Who is the funniest person you know and why?
Some of my miserable friends are hilarious in their pain.
It's kinda got me addicted to keeping them down.
Borat - yay or nay? Why?
Well, it's funny, but for me it's a nay. I love great comedy writing, not just suckering unsuspecting folk.
When were you last embarrassed?
I tried to play squash the other day with a friend. You know you really suck when your opponents start to cheer you on.
What's the worst line you've ever delivered?
Well, last year while I was in the Philippines, I ran out of patience with a heckler and called her a whore.
I blame it on the jet lag, but it really wasn't smooth, and didn't help me with the gig.
The whole thing escalated and has now become one of the central stories in my show. Come and see it and I promise I won't call you names.
What were you like as a child?
A little bit of everything I guess. My dad was in the military, so we moved around a lot. Which means I had to learn to make new friends all the time. It kinda got me ready for life on the road as a comic.
If you weren't a comedian you'd be?
Dead ... nah, not really. I think I'd go for anything cool that isn't office bound. Race car driver, dude who sells books by the beach, or pimp are cool.
* Canadian comedian JJ Whitehead is at the Crunchie Comedy Gala, St James tonight (sold out). His season at the Transmission Room, Mayoral Drive, starts tomorrow night and runs Tue 8-Sat 12 & Tue 15-Sat 19 May, 7pm.