The Eras Tour film has opened in UK cinemas, relieving parents from the guilt of having missed out on the live shows. But does it compare?
I failed to buy my 13-year-old daughter Constance tickets for any of Taylor Swift’s run of concerts next year despite the fact that she and her friends seem to listen to no other music. The awful truth is that, faced with weeks of my life sat in virtual queues, I didn’t even try. It was only at the third time of Constance’s enquiring on the matter that I realised with horror this was a parenting error of such magnitude it was likely to entail years of therapy. For me if not for her.
Luckily Taylor, genius that she is, intuited this coming crisis and released a film of her Eras Tour in cinemas. I bought the most expensive tickets available in the hope of redemption. And so it was that yesterday, Constance, hair-waved and in a party dress, and me in my jeans, spent three hours watching the world’s biggest pop star – appropriately 19m-high on the giant screen – strutting her stuff.
At this point I would like to say that Constance screamed, wept, and threw her arms in the air. That we shared a bonding moment she and I will look back on in years to come. It didn’t quite turn out like that.