On one hand, deciding whether you like Trevor Noah as the new host of The Daily Show on his first night is sort of like deciding whether to buy a painting based on how the artist mounts his easel. How can you possibly tell how someone is going to host a show every night by his first nervous 21 minutes?
On the other hand, of course, the job of a late-night talk show host is not really to make you want to watch them every night any more, and it hasn't been for half a decade now.
The goal is to get them to watch you in five-minute increments, often on their phone, the next morning. You are less a host than a joke chauffeur. You just want to make sure to provide an attractive ride.
So, as a joke delivery device, on his first night, Trevor Noah did fine. He talked too fast-waytoo fast, as if he wasn't used to producers talking in his ear. He stumbled over a couple of punchlines. He apologised too quickly for jokes that didn't land. But this is largely the same writing staff that Jon Stewart had, and those people are funny. What Noah needs to prove, before he can prove anything else, is that he can tell a joke. After Noah pointed out how many American comics had turned down the hosting gig he was now starting out, he pointed out that, "once more, a job Americans rejected is being done by an immigrant." It's a great line, and he delivered it well. It's a start.
If you're waiting for him to make you mad, you might not have liked his joke about a theoretical "Club Congress" being a terrible club to go to because "everyone there has aides." If you were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, you at least appreciated the fact that he was willing to give the joke a shot on his first night, when he was being broadcast on every Viacom affiliate. Either way, you didn't learn too much about him, other than that he looks good in a suit and laughs at his own jokes a little too quickly.