Hollywood stars can now be recreated so perfectly through technology that actors are drawing up wills to control how their digital selves perform long after their physical selves have gone, the Oscar-winning British special effects team behind the film Gravity has said.
The revelation comes after another British company, CereProc, co-produced an audio recording of John F. Kennedy "delivering" the speech he was due to give on the day he was assassinated in 1963.
According to Framestore, however, technology now allows for much more than audio creation.
Sir William Sargent, Framestore's chief executive, says special effects have broken the equivalent of the four-minute mile, which is to make a digital human that viewers perceive to be completely real.
The result, he said, was that Hollywood today is toying with scripts that feature actors now in later life, such as Sean Connery or Harrison Ford, playing opposite digital creations of their younger selves.