I won't lie, my expectations weren't high. But two of my girlfriends were desperate to see Shortland Street: The Musical so I reluctantly tagged along. And I'm so glad I did! I can't remember giggling so much during a live show. It is delightfully and deliciously silly thanks to a talented cast - and some wildly funny dancing muffins. Set in the early 90s launch era of Shortland Street, it features an OG cast of characters, including Hone Ropata and Nurse Carrie Burton. If you see just one show this year, make it this one. Too good.

It has to be the most cryptic music festival ever to hit New Zealand. This weekend, Childish Gambino - aka Donald Glover - will bring his mysterious Pharos Festival to Auckland's Tapapakanga Regional Park. Tickets went on sale in March with no word on what it would actually entail - but ticketholders were assigned a "frequency" dictating what colour they must wear. In August, TimeOut revealed the event would feature three live performances that take place inside a large, temporary dome, where a "virtual world" will be projected inside. With no media access allowed and phones strictly off-limits, we may never get to see what Pharos entails - but I look forward to hearing all about it.