ARIES: (Mar 21 Apr 20)
Both sensual and practical, you are lulled into a mellow mood. Happy to make sure that the pulse is beating firmly, rather than causing excitement, you are getting where you want to more effectively now.
TAURUS: (Apr 21 May 20)
The Taurus Moon is ensuring that your ride is more like a slippery-dip than a high speed roller-coaster. Slip into the zone. Your excellence will shine through. With this momentum nothing will stop you.
GEMINI: (May 21 June 21)
Practical matters are falling in to place with remarkable ease. Having put your plans on the table, others are picking up their cues without having to be pushed. This is the effect of being well prepared.
CANCER: (June 22 July 22)
You have the feeling that the earth is solid beneath your feet. All your lines of support are in place. Nothing wildly unpredictable is rocking the boat. You are free to be your more sensitive self.
LEO: (July 23 Aug 22)
There's been enough drama of late for you to appreciate some down time - without it turning to boredom. Being the king/queen of the jungle it would be in line to allow yourself a good dose of pampering.
VIRGO: (Aug 23 Sept 22)
When you have the job fully in hand, your mood rises appreciably. Having set yourself a rather daunting task, you are at the point where you can see that you are going to complete it. Be a happy heart.
LIBRA: (Sept 23 Oct 23)
Venus, your guiding planetary light, has just moved into Aries, a place of fire and passion. This is disconcerting for the part of you that wants to keep everything sweet. A theatrical love affair is on its way.
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 Nov 21)
Life has moved on. The tension you are holding now looks more ridiculous than heroic. There is an easy feeling in the room. Let go. Allow a deepening feeling of relaxation into your body and soul.
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov 22 Dec 21)
The past and all that it has etched on your soul, is not going to let go of its hold easily. To expand and grow you must maintain faith with the dreams you have dreamed. Take heart. Have courage.
CAPRICORN: (Dec 22 Jan 19)
The Taurus Moon is putting you in a good mood. There are no limits to how pleasant life can be, other than the ones we put on ourselves. That being the case lift all constraints and enjoy yourself to the full.
AQUARIUS: (Jan 20 Feb 18)
Just as you thought you had convinced others of the need to change, they return to their established ways with greater joy. Stay humble and keep learning. It's much more satisfying than frustration.
PISCES: (Feb 19 Mar 20)
You feel safe. When you feel safe, you can explore the most creative, intuitive and soulful parts of your being. The Taurus Moon is a steadying influence that gives you the courage to be a flying fish.
There is a general air of contentment surrounding all that is going on. It would take an effort to create drama or tension. Relax as best as you can into a gentle flowing rhythm. Be pleasurably practical.
In the light of how relaxed your friends and loved ones are, it is obvious how much tension you are carrying for no reason. Initially this is disconcerting - but behind it is a belly-laugh waiting to happen.