ARIES: (Mar 21 Apr 20)
By pulling the brakes on, you stop all extraneous activity and bring back the possibility of moving in the right direction. Senseless frenzy is not progressive action, no matter how much energy is expended.
TAURUS: (Apr 21 May 20)
Now is a good time to impose order. Call a halt to anything that is taking you and the ones you love away from what is nurturing for the soul. To exert your force for all the right reasons is a magnificent feeling.
GEMINI: (May 21 June 21)
Do what you can to stay out of the firing line of controversy. To do so will give you the room to get on with all the practical tasks that you have set yourself. Use your wit to keep out of harms way.
CANCER: (June 22 July 22)
The Moon's presence in earthy Taurus settles things down. Your frazzled nerves are due for a break. Soothe your body and soul in whatever way works best. Pamper and luxuriate with a clear conscience.
LEO: (July 23 Aug 22)
The Taurus Moon stamps a big foot of authority down on all that has been distracting you. Arguments that have been taking your attention and energy away from what really matters, must come to an end.
VIRGO: (Aug 23 Sept 22)
Having shifted on your axis by letting go of a huge attachment to the past, it is time to start relating the experiences you have been having, to those who care. Communicate simply and clearly.
LIBRA: (Sept 23 Oct 23)
It is time to get moving. Clinging to sentimental dreams is not filling you up with the new life that you deserve. Be sure you are listening to your voice and not anybody else's. Turn around and face the future.
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 Nov 21)
If being out there as a solitary soul in the world of ambition is not nourishing you, consider your options. The Moon in Taurus is stamping it's foot and insisting that we take good care of ourselves. Listen.
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov 22 Dec 21)
It is going to take all your philosophic wisdom to break the impasse that those around you have gotten themselves into. Stubbornness abounds. Solutions are going to have to be inspired not predictable.
CAPRICORN: (Dec 22 Jan 19)
Keep working honestly behind the scenes. You are attending to problems in a way that is pragmatic if not wildly glamorous or popular. To stay focused on solutions rather than problems is smart.
AQUARIUS: (Jan 20 Feb 18)
Great conflict is potentially great strength. It is going to take all the free-ranging intelligence you can muster, to turn the one into the other. Stay away from fixed ideas as if they were the plague. Innovate.
PISCES: (Feb 19 Mar 20)
In order to get very different characters to work well together, you are going to have to discover their common ground. You are capable of finding the unity of heart and soul, so you have the job. Do it well.
Moon in Taurus is calling a clear halt to all proceedings that are straying from being either nourishing or practical. In meeting with unmovable obstacles, the hint is to slow down. Get back on track.
Do what it takes to make your body happy. Eat good food. Drink satisfying beverages. Nourish the abode of your spirit in ways that go past your resistance to pleasure and put a big smile on your face.