ARIES: (Mar 21 Apr 20)
Focus on beauty. If something is beautiful, it's right. Extend your love of what is beautiful so that it is wild and alive. The Virgo Moon is in a place of poignancy. Say any good-byes with love and respect.
TAURUS: (Apr 21 May 20)
Though you would love to mellow out, you are feeling hot under the collar and keep creating conflagrations. Experiment with the possibilities of not being your normal all too familiar garden variety self
GEMINI: (May 21 June 21)
You are utterly on to what is being suggested as the way forward in relationship and work. Seeing the value of a no-nonsense, nuts and bolts approach, makes it easy to cooperate. Be in your body.
CANCER: (June 22 July 22)
Much to your delight, you keep hitting your limits and going past them. If you keep this up you'll start to wonder if you have any limits. The Moon is passing Saturn in the sky and unlocking these secrets.
LEO: (July 23 Aug 22)
There's a plaintive feeling in the air that could lead to outbreaks of sentimentality. If that's the wave that washes over you, know that you are in tune with the universe. Life is sweet and precious.
VIRGO: (Aug 23 Sept 22)
The Moon continues to linger in Virgo. The mood shifts subtly into softness. The limits you thought would be daunting to face, melt into something a whole lot less scary, when you actually face them.
LIBRA: (Sept 23 Oct 23)
Life is teaching you a whole new dance. At first your feet are all over the shop. You are discovering that you don't have to remain stuck, even in your own definitions of who you are. Be free.
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 Nov 21)
The things that are working for you, are easily out-weighing those that are working against you. Though you still keep meeting opposition to your push for change, change keeps happening anyway.
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov 22 Dec 21)
Challenges that have got others worried, have got you excited. You are much more fond of being called to adventure, than of sinking into a great armchair of toxic comfort. Expand your fiscal horizons.
CAPRICORN: (Dec 22 Jan 19)
The Moon somehow shifts you from a place of great tension, to a place of great relief. You were starting to believe your own bad press. In an instant it is proven untrue. Remember who you really are.
AQUARIUS: (Jan 20 Feb 18)
Complaint is a habit. As soon as you see it rising like a wave, turn the other way. Turn to one who seems to be behaving like an enemy and greet them like a friend. Lay misunderstanding to rest.
PISCES: (Feb 19 Mar 20)
There are mirrors all around. The Moon is directly opposing you, making sure you see your reflection everywhere you look. Look towards it, not away. Joy comes by unlearning the habit of resistance.
The sting is taken out of a battle that you have been seriously engaged in. This leaves you face to face with not only great relief but with a clear reflection of your own agenda. Let the weight of that go.
There is a lovely simple shift going on. It is taking you gently out of the past and leaving you wide-open for a fascinating and endlessly mysterious future. There is no need to create a fuss. Smile and enjoy.