E3 is gaming's biggest week of the year. For many companies, the Los Angeles Event is the first place they show off their biggest upcoming games, and for fans it's the first place they get to see them in action. Siobhan Keogh unveils her wishlist for next week's expo.
Fallout 4 gameplay footage
What could happen: We will get to see some Fallout 4 gameplay footage. The next instalment of the Fallout series is officially a thing - there's a trailer and everything. But while trailers are great, experienced gamers know that you have to watch gameplay footage to get a real idea of whether you're going to enjoy a game. That's why Bethesda will likely hop up on stage with a controller and play through a specially polished section of what is perhaps best described as "Skyrim with guns".
Likelihood: An almost certainty
Why it's in this category: Bethesda announced blockbuster Fallout 4 very close to E3 - there are only a couple of reasons why it might do that. The company either wants to grab headlines ahead of the event so they can show off something really, really cool, or ... it has another, bigger game announcement to make and doesn't want to detract attention from it. I would still put a new Elder Scrolls game in the "not bloody likely" category, but I'm just saying.
What could happen: Each year, Sony holds a massive press conference at E3. This year they'll undoubtedly be showing off some kind of footage - gameplay or otherwise - from Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. But Sony-owned developer Naughty Dog now has two teams within the company simultaneously working on different projects. The Last of Us 2 is probably under way already. But will Naughty Dog announce it?
Likelihood: One can hope.
Why it's in this category: I give this one a 40 per cent chance of happening. It wouldn't be totally out of left field, but Naughty Dog may not want to distract its fans by announcing The Last of Us 2 while also pushing Uncharted 4.
The video game, The Last of Us.
Final fantasy XV gets a release date
What could happen: Square Enix has already released a working demo of Final Fantasy XV, but it doesn't have a release date yet. Square is holding its own press conference this year, so could easily slip this one in between showing off Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and the new Tomb Raider.
Why it's in this category: Given the advanced state of the demo, the game itself can't be too far off. At the very least I'd expect Square to announce a release window - probably late this year or early next year.
Gears of War 4 announced
What could happen: Xbox has to have something big to announce this year, and they've already announced Halo 5. So they could announce the new Gears of War game instead. In some ways that would be kind of sad - Gears of War 4 would be the first game released in the main series without creator Cliff Blezinski at the helm.
Likelihood: One can hope.
Why it's in this category: It's been four years since the release of Gears of War 3, the goriest shooter to ever make me almost cry. There has been a prequel released in the meantime - called Gears of War: Judgment - but fans will be waiting for the real deal. It's about time, right?
The video game, Gears of War.
Valve announces anything with a '3' in it
What could happen: Valve Software isn't very good at releasing games with the number three in them. Team Fortress 3, Half-Life 3, Portal 3, and Left 4 Dead 3 are all yet to exist. Valve could announce one at ... oh, I can't even pretend this isn't wishful thinking.
Likelihood: Not bloody likely.
Why it's in this category: Because Valve is full of sadists. Also, they're not even attending E3 this year. As usual, fans of its games are left high and dry. Sorry everyone. Waiting for Half-Life 3 is even more punishing than waiting for a new book from George R R Martin.