So I tuned into the nauseating Cashmere Mafia the other night and caught the scene where eight lesbians went into a bar. No, it's not the opening line of a joke. There they were. All glossy and gorgy like Manhattan models having drinks at, would you believe, a baby shower. Issues of sperm donors and which-mommy-would-carry-first were discussed so matter-of-factly. And in typical Hollywood style, all the gay girls - including the scatterbrained blonde ad exec who's the latest past the bouncer at Club Lesbian - were hot. H.O.T.
Then there's Lindsay Lohan and her, well, we're-guessing-but-we're-not-entirely-sure, new lover Samantha Ronson (sis of Mark and Charlotte). After trying guys, rehab, movies, music, guys, rehab, car crashes, LiLo is now, allegedly, dabbling in the world of lesbianism.
Is LiLo looking for just another lifestyle option to quench a stepping-stone thirst for the next new thing in La La land? Who knows? I hope it's true love and I hope it's real.
Of course, don't forget girl snogging becoming practically a cultural norm on The L Word, The O.C, and on Madonna (with Britney, Christina, Gwyneth, to name but a few).
When did chicks-on-chicks become so chic? Or is lesbianism just the latest phenomenon on Planet Celebrity?
As a what's-hot-right-now cultural trend it certainly hasn't escaped little ole New Zild where the likes of B-list celebs Reanin Johannink (better known as the model off Shorty St) and Brooke McAlister (better known as the girl who kissed-and-told to a woman's rag about her ex Luke) have been Spy-ed snogging at an inner-city club. Eewww? Not ewww for the male testosterone in the immediate vicinity I hear, which is, I'm picking, who the girls were hoping would be in attendance.
Or is the cynic in me too quick to scoff that Brooke and Reanin's "gay-girl" smooches were never intended for a fully-fledged relationship? Perhaps they were. Certainly no one could deny the girls the chance to look for love and romance, no matter what the gender.
So with lesbian chic becoming so acceptable and sought after, curmudgeons like me are asking: Is hooking up with a girl (for a typically heterosexual woman) just a way to garner attention? Or is it a fall-back option, when the men fail you or the man drought becomes too much of an obstacle to face?
Rachel Glucina