This is savage. One minute you're watching someone being ripped to death by a sabre-toothed tiger. The next, you're stumbling into a campsite to find cannibals feasting on roasted human limbs. You'll also need to skin goats for food and clothing and, armed with just a rock, take down marauding woolly mammoths.
There are shredded bodies lying everywhere. Now we know how Leonardo DiCaprio felt in The Revenant.
Considering Far Cry's history, all of this comes as something of a surprise. Previous instalments were based around epic villains in far-flung places with an endless supply of guns and vehicles at your disposal. In Far Cry Primal, you're asked to don loincloths, strip moss from rocks, use flint to start fires and club wolves to death to stay alive.

It's a massive about-face, one that resulted in plenty of arched eyebrows when the first trailer was released.