There's a point early in Dark Souls III where an angry tree bashes you to death with a branch while firing murderous magic skulls at you in a poison swamp. It doesn't get better. A few levels later, a knight accosts you in a lava-filled room, cuts you in half, and thanks your corpse. You keep going, cutting a tree down, dancing around the knight, weeping tears of joy over the bodies of crotchety fire demons, because every victory is a life-changing achievement.
There's no better feeling than the rush of relief that comes after beating one of the hellish bosses in a Souls game.

It's all pointless of course. Dark Souls has never been known for its optimism. Bloodborne, last year's Souls spinoff, had three endings, each more depressing than the last. Series architect, Hidetaka Miyazaki, likes cycles. His games snake around an endless series of soul-crushing challenges, seemingly important victories, and end up pretty much right back where they started.
You can still have fun along the way. Dark Souls III boasts a better world than its predecessor, Dark Souls II, starting you off in a shallow grave and taking you through an interconnected array of festering bogs, smouldering fire pits, snow-caked cities, weird underground prisons, and dragon enclaves. Some environments are a little monotonous, but they always pay off with progress to a new, more grandiose locale.