Source: TVNZ.
When Tom saw Emily walking towards him, he could barely believe his eyes.
"She's hot as f***," he declared as the aspiring lingerie model sat down next to him and ordered a "straight Jagerbomb".
When Tom saw Emily walking towards him, he could barely believe his eyes.
"She's hot as f***," he declared as the aspiring lingerie model sat down next to him and ordered a "straight Jagerbomb".
The pair had been matched on First Dates NZ, the TVNZ 2 reality show in which hopeless singletons are partnered up with hilariously awkward results.
Tom and Emily decide if they want to go on a second date - they said yes.
"Prince" Tom, 22, wasted no time in trying to impress "Princess" Emily, 19.
"I will not touch anyone unless I know they have been in the shower - and I will have to observe it," declared the Karaka farm girl after admitting she was single because she's "high maintenance".
She was, she declared, particularly into cleanliness when it came to "sexual hygiene".
"I have made a guy wash his bits in the shower, even over a sink ... get in the creases, clean it," she continued.
"If it came to the moment when anything happened, I'd be like, 'This is disgusting'."
Tom listened carefully, then delivered his considered reply.
"I'm definitely a full clean freak, semi-OCD," he said, semi-hopefully.
Emily heads towards her date with Tom on First Dates NZ.
Tom was later left speechless when Emily told him she was competing in the Miss Lingerie finals at Hamilton's Diggers bar next weekend.
He later admitted: "I was definitely not expecting to meet miss lingerie, she has a very bubbly personality ... she's hot as f***."
The pair ended the show by agreeing to go on a second date, but a postnote to the show said they were now just "friends".
Elsewhere on the show, care co-ordinator and basketballer Jamie wasn't worried about telling too many dad jokes on his date with belly dancer Arna.
Jamie and Arna enjoy their date on First Dates NZ.
The 32-year-old described his sense of humour as "a bit dry, bit dark, bit perverse but generally pretty good" before delivering a joke so bad it belonged in a Christmas cracker.
"Guy goes into the doctor and says, 'Doctor, doctor, I've got strawberries growing up my arse. What should I do?' Doctor goes, 'I've got some cream for that'."
Despite his dodgy dad jokes, Arna laughed and agreed to see Jamie again.
There was more awkwardness during Ricci's date with Karl, despite the pair finding common ground: both were employed as nurses.