stormed out of the MTV Movie Awards after prankster
Sacha Baron Cohen
landed on him bare-backside first during the ceremony.
Eminem stormed out of the MTV Movie Awards after prankster Sacha Baron Cohen landed on him bare-backside first. Photo / AP
stormed out of the MTV Movie Awards after prankster
Sacha Baron Cohen
landed on him bare-backside first during the ceremony.
Cohen left the singer spitting tacks when he made a grand entrance, dressed as his gay faux fashionista alter-ego
, wearing only a thong and a pair of wings, and exposed his bare buttocks just inches from his face.
The cheeky comedian was meant to present the award for Best Male Performance at the event and was lowered from the ceiling of the auditorium on a harness.
As he was lowered down, "technical difficulties" ensued and he dropped headfirst towards the ground, spinning upside down as he screamed: "Argh, scheisse! Argh! My kugelsack! My kugelsack!
"The wire is trapped round! Help me! Let me down! One of the wires is trapped around my kugelsack!"
But rather than land on stage, he landed face-first into Eminem's lap - leaving the rapper with a bird's eye view of his buttocks.
Watch video: Bruno butts in to Emimem
, not exactly known for his staunch endorsement of brotherly love (he often charges his songs with homophobic bleats and rants) was clearly not impressed with the comic's bare-faced cheek and let rip with a "Are you serious...Get the f*** off me!"
Members of Eminem's entourage then prized Cohen - still suspended on the wires - off the rapper. "Nice to meet you," Cohen replied.
He added: "Hey, don't touch me guys! I already have a boyfriend. Hey guys, let's continue this in my hotel room."
As a visibly disgusted Eminem got up to leave, Cohen mocked: "Is the real
Slim Shady
about to stand up?"
Cohen eventually announced the award winner as
High School Musical
Zac Efron
while still hanging upside down.
Accepting his award, Efron said: "That was really weird.
"It's the coolest way I have ever been invited up to accept one of these."
Scripted or not?
The saucy prank has left us all guessing whether it was planned or not. Show insiders say Eminem was definitely not in on the gag, but experts say otherwise.
"There's no way it was an accident," a snitch told TVGuide.com. "You don't let two stars collide without a detailed plan."
Paris Hilton
, who was at the showbiz bash for no other reason that to be photographed (seriously, that heirhead would turn up to the opening of an envelope), insists Eminem knew nothing about the prank.
She says, "I don't think he (Eminem) knew because I talked to someone who was running the show before and he said a big surprise was gonna happen and the person didn't know it was gonna happen."
The socialite says she isn't shocked that the rapper stormed off in a huff.
"I think anyone would be mad if something was, like, in your face like that... It was very odd."
Odd, but admittedly highlarious. Call us puerile, but the
when he has a close encounter with Cohen's a$$ is nothing short of priceless. Talk about the dark side of the moon!
Poor Eminem. But riddle us this: If the Shady one was geniunely insulted, dont 'cha think it's somewhat ironic coming from a man who has more or less based his career on lampooning other celebs? We're just saying...
However, come to think of it, the whole charade could be a headline-grabbing publicity stunt. Both stars have products to promote - Eminem a new album, and Cohen a new movie,
, based on a flamboyant Austrian fashionista.
Do you think Eminem was in on the prank?
The "face-off" between Eminem and Cohen remains the butt (sorry) of much speculation that the whole thing was staged.
It's been revealed that as crybaby Eminem squaled "Get this f*** off me" as semi-naked Cohen dangled before him, he was actually wearing a microphone at the time - if you listen closely you can hear a censor bleep out the singer's expletive in the above video.
Also, what are the odds that a camera just so happened to be pointing in the right direction to capture the action and Eminem's eventual exit from the auditorium?
A show producer also reportedly revealed to Hollyscoop.com that Eminem would definitely be the topic of conversation at the event. "Eminem. It's epic tonight, it's epic," the snitch said.
Eminem's spokesperson has refused a request for comment.
Blogger Bites Back
Pictured: Sacha Baron Cohen as his flamboyant fashionista alter-ego Bruno, and (inset) rapper Eminem.
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Authortities previously revealed the pair tested negative for carbon monoxide.