Twenty-two years ago, Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting hit bookshop shelves. A tale centred on a group of Edinburgh heroin addicts, it was acclaimed for its abrasiveness and unflinching authenticity. Others, however, saw it as shocking and outrageous. It was banned for a while in Russia, but there was never any serious talk of restrictions on its sale in Britain or elsewhere. Indeed, it soon gained classic status. If only, a generation on, the same could be said for Into The River, the novel by Ted Dawe that is now subject to an interim ban in this country.
The parallels with Trainspotting are readily apparent. Mr Dawe's novel about a Maori boy who faces bullying and racism was widely praised for its frank examination of issues of significance to young adults. Equally, it was strongly criticised by people who believed it "normalised" sex and drug-taking at that age. And while Trainspotting was long-listed for the Booker Prize, Into The River won the 2013 NZ Post Children's Book Award.
While Mr Dawe admits that, as an author, he does not "mince words", the censor saw no great problem with his book. Initially, it was classified M (unrestricted), with "contains sex scenes, offensive language and drug use". There, the matter should have rested. This was a book with the potential to appeal to teenagers, especially from deprived backgrounds, and help them understand and address their own experiences.
Instead, matters have descended into the sort of farce that can only signify the law is awry. First, the Film and Literature Board of Review partly upheld an appeal by conservative Christian group Family First and imposed an R14 restriction. Then, after the Deputy Chief Censor reclassified the book as totally unrestricted following a request from Auckland Libraries, the board's president, Dr Don Mathieson, QC, placed an interim ban on its sale or distribution.