'There, there. The Pope will help us.' Russell Crowe is hoping the Pope might help endorse his film 'Noah' after concerns by both Muslims and Christians. Photo / AP Photo - Paramount
'There, there. The Pope will help us.' Russell Crowe is hoping the Pope might help endorse his film 'Noah' after concerns by both Muslims and Christians. Photo / AP Photo - Paramount
Muslims and Christians might have their differences but they are united on one thing - they don't like Russell Crowe's new film Noah.
Islamic Sunni authorities in Egypt say the blockbuster Hollywood biblical epic starring the Australian actor violates Islam by portraying a prophet and have called for it to be banned.
It comes after a US survey found a majority of Christians were unhappy about the film.
The movie is set to premiere in Egypt on March 26, but Al-Azhar institute says the film should not to be screened.
Dear Holy Father @Pontifex , Sorry that I have caused havoc in your social media world. Seriously though, #Noah the movie will fascinate you
But the film does have at least one fan in the form of Icelandic singer Bjork, who's decided to turn the March 18 premiere in Reykjavik into a charity concert for the environment.
The reclusive singer will headline the event at Harpa in Reykjavik with Lykke Li, Of Monsters & Men and Patti Smith on the bill for the post-premiere gig.
The Paramount film, also starring Anthony Hopkins as Noah's grandfather Methuselah, is directed by Darren Aronofsky.
The film reportedly had a budget of US$125 million (NZ147 million). Its release poster features an axe-wielding Crowe at sea looking over a raging storm.