Hilary Barry Sourced from instagram for Spy March 2020
Hilary Barry Sourced from instagram for Spy March 2020
Art Green and Beauden Barrett are just two of the many people on social media sharing helpful ways on how to stay busy and happy during the lockdown, working from home, or for many, the preferable term - staycation.
Panic buying didn't just happen at the supermarket and booze shops this week, queues outside fitness equipment retailers were a very real thing too.
First up on the fitness front is All Black first five-eighths Barrett, who created a buzz, not just in NZ but across the rugby-loving globe with a drop-kick challenge early in the week. Parents were given an extra activity for their children and many big kids took part too. Barrett reposted footage of his #trickshotchallenge that saw all ages kicking a rugby ball into a bucket, whether it be in their lounge, (hide the china,) in their backyards, or down at the park. Who knew such a simple activity would be such a godsend and we can't wait to see what other sports stars from various codes come up with this week.
Hannah Laity and Beauden Barrett engagement. Instagram supplied 090118 NZH 10Jan18 - Hannah Laity and Beauden Barrett have been together four years, and Laity refers to them as Beaudannah.
Barrett's wife, Influencer Hannah, celebrated her birthday this week with a romantic walk in the park with her husband. Hannah was one of the influencers to spread the New World #Shopsmart and #BeKind message this week.
The couple also led the charge, socialising with friends with the app Houseparty – something everyone needs to get into in some shape or form. The app allows users to chat via video link and hold virtual games nights with friends. Cheers to that!
Our next fitness inspirer, former The Bachelor star, Art Green, took on with abandon the fitness social media challenges this week, even with a bandaged-up bung hand. His first challenge was retaining a push-up in a planking style and holding . . . Green was going to balance his baby boy, Milo, on his back – but for safety reasons decided against it, instead he did it with one arm and his damaged hand behind his back.
Art Green Sourced from instagram for Spy March 2020
If that wasn't impressive enough, Green next had wife Matilda filming him in their Warkworth backyard, standing and balancing on a swiss ball. The Paleo King defied gravity. Green also demonstrated why his dietary lifestyle was a winner. When the bread shelves were empty at the supermarket he smiled and went over to the full shelves of Paleo loaves.
Lastly on the fitness front, on Instagram this week, Spy spotted the home gym of A-List personal trainer Devon Latoa, from Les Mills Victoria St. We asked him if he would be up for doing some home sessions for our readers. He jumped at the challenge and will be taking people for sessions on his Instagram Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30am. For those drinking in their lounge on Friday nights, as if they are on Ponsonby Rd, there will be a more forgiving session at 9am on Saturday.
To keep the challenges going, Latoa will be collaborating with local and international leaders to expand the spectrum of health and well-being activities. If you don't have dumbbells, improvise with things like paint tins.
Devon Latoua Supplied to Spy March 2020
Aside from keeping the nation calm on Seven Sharp this week, on social media, Hilary Barry donned a gorgeous ball gown and told her followers:
"Working from home? How about making a bloody effort, on today's video call, instead of sitting in there in your PJs."
Barry's co-host Jeremy Wells has sparked a sensation with his reporting from home this week, viewers want to see more of his villa and love getting a glimpse of his interior-design choices.
This leads us to the first of our Spy "Style Challenges". The time is right for more celebrities to show off their homes on social media. The secret spectators at home need some titillation whether it is your studio apartment, your doer-upper or your flash pad, we just want a peek into what your style is. In these times, folks need to connect and will love you for inviting your followers in for a virtual tour.
Like Barry, we believe in dressing up to the nines at home to make yourself and those around you feel special. We are challenging A-Listers to do the same this week and like we do when we are out, take a selfie. It will be good practice.
Next week Spy will be announcing details of a virtual cocktail party where you can stay connected (and enjoy a cheeky drink)
The party will be co-hosted by yours truly and Sinead Corcoran, the Carrie Bradshaw of the NZ Herald.
You might recognise her from her column Sinead in the City, but for the next four weeks of lockdown, she's rebranding to Social Distancing In The City - think witty ideas on surviving self-isolation as a single gal without losing your mind.
Give her a "follow" on Instagram @sineadcorcoran_ for all her behind the scenes lols.