Award-winning choreographer Parris Goebel's story is truly unique: a girl from South Auckland, with no formal dance training, drops out of high school, opens her own dance school and studio, takes on the world and wins. Now, she gets to travel the globe and create work for the likes of Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, L-Lo, Justin Bieber and Janet Jackson.
So, it would be easy to assume this could make Parris: Young Queen - The Story of a Girl Who Conquered the World a gushing "rags-to-riches" tale in which Goebel waxes lyrical about how good her life is.
This is not the case; instead, it's raw, down to earth and packed full of advice, tips and hints (Lessons from Miss P) which many young people - and some adults - would do well to read.

Here's how Goebel describes what it really means to be a BOSS: