"Is this Vivid enough?" Morrissey yelled to his cheering fans as he performed at the opening night of his series of show at the Sydney Opera House. "Thank Christ!"
An Evening with Morrissey started outside the Opera House's concert hall, where the cafe Bistro Mozart forwent its meat options to appease the former Smiths frontman's vegan ideals.
Inside, Morrissey drew a diverse crowd, from those in their 20s and 30s, to those reliving their 20s and 30s. That included one overly excited and incredibly annoying fan - later seen jumping and head banging in the seated venue - who wouldn't stop yelling during the entire performance. He started before Morrissey came on stage while a reel of retro videos and music videos played on a white curtain.
To be fair, the videos, which ran for half an hour, were interesting but also tedious. When the singer finally arrived onstage, he was appropriately singing "I'm so sorry" (Suedehead) to a standing ovation.
Once the music was going it was full of fun and energy. His band dressed in matching white shirt with suspenders and nose plasters as if they'd all just been punched in the face prior to the show, stomped out the '80s indie rock ballads as Morrissey's rich iconic voice soared over the music.