Heavily themed shows have been a regular fixture on the Comedy Festival for some time now. At the first festival I reviewed four years ago, it seemed every single local show I went to had some kooky concept that either ingeniously merged sketch and stand-up or collapsed under a ludicrous idea.
Eli Matthewson had one such show then, an hour of stand-up and sketch blurred together under the banner of mocking and exploring internet culture. He was as talented then as he is now, but the show itself was too disjointed and without a proper storyline to work effectively.
I was a little apprehensive walking in to Myths and Legends, which is based around the hook of Matthewson using his Classics degree for the first time professionally. It's a topic the likes of Eddie Izzard have mined successfully in the past, but I had a fretful mental image of this being some jokey-university lecture.
Thankfully, Matthewson avoids falling into that trap. The Greek gods and his university degree are used as a springboard for a menagerie of topics, ranging from porn to millennial culture to, most prominently, growing up Christian and gay.
Listen to our Comedy Festival podcast with Eli Matthewson, Rhys Nicholson and James Roque: