What sort of voice should we read your answers in?
Always, whenever you have the chance to pick a voice to read anything in, always, always, always choose Morgan Freeman.
Are you worried about how you'll come across in print?
Worried? Why would I be worried? The Herald has an amazing reputation for never distorting the facts. (Are you worried that will come across as sarcastic in print?)
Describe your show in 10 words or less:
Ben Hurley and Steve Wrigley pull comedy out of their ...
Is there somewhere we can see your work online? If not, why?
Nope. Because New Zealanders figured out how to use the comments section on YouTube, and I am easily emotionally scarred.
What does your mum think of what you do?
My mother thinks I am a doctor, and cannot believe there is this guy who looks just like me, with the same name, who tells dirty filthy stories and unfunny jokes on the TV.