What sort of voice should we read your answers in?
Sung with a sexy RnB style croon.
Are you worried about how you'll come across in print?
It's 2013, I don't know what print even is!
What sort of voice should we read your answers in?
Sung with a sexy RnB style croon.
Are you worried about how you'll come across in print?
It's 2013, I don't know what print even is!
Describe your show in 10 words or less:
Stories about my life, rap music, and humus. Buy ticket!
Is there somewhere we can see your work online? If not, why?
My main outlet is on twitter (@josephmoore1), I have been retweeted by Tamati Coffey at least once (just once), so it's a pretty successful outlet. Also, if you write Joseph Moore comedy into YouTube there are a couple of videos there.
What does your mum think of what you do?
My mum is very supportive. She has travelled heaps from Wellington just to watch me do shows. She was also my English teacher in high school, and this comes across a fair bit with her constructive criticism. I reckon she thinks I have at least "Achieved with Merit".
Eight minutes into your show, all going well, what should be happening?
I'll be telling people to turn off their phones, because they keep turning them on to text their friends about how good the show is so far.
Where are you usually when ideas or jokes come to you?
Mostly in the shower. Or when I'm at the movies or something.
What's more important to have as a comedian, youth or wisdom? Discuss.
Youth, it's the best of both worlds. I'm sure everyone gets progressively dumber as they get older. So I really hope people get along to this show because it's the smartest one I'll ever do.
Who's your comedy hero, and why?
My dad for introducing me to comedy by doing classic jokes such as "losing all the passports while on holiday", Steve Wrigley for giving me my first comedy job, and my flatmate Nic Sampson who is the funniest person I know, and New Zealand's foremost Ernest Rutherford impersonator.
When and where: May 13 to 18, at The Classic.
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